
    摘  要随着各种私营小企业规模的日益扩大,高效的企业信誉评分任务日趋繁重,具备强大而高效的小型企业评分系统就成为保证与监督企业质量的关键条件之一。通过该系统,能够给予一个更为公正客观的小企业信用等级评分标准。小型企业评分系统将有利于银行与小企业之间的小企业贷款的检查与评价。根据评价得分,让更多的银行能够了解熟知这些小企业的信用等级以及运行状态,从而提高了工作效率与管理其重要的风险,为小企业信贷提供一个客观公正的依据。69157


    毕业论文关键词:企业评分  Servlet  jsp  MVC

    Design and implementation of online scoring system for small business quality


    With the growing scale of private small businesses, the high efficiency of the enterprise credit rating task is becoming increasingly heavy, with a strong and efficient scoring tool to ensure and supervise the quality of enterprise is one of the key conditions. The system is able to give a fair and objective credit rating of small enterprises. Small business scoring system will be beneficial to the examination and evaluation of small business loans between banks and small businesses. According to the evaluation score, let more banks can familiar with these small enterprises credit rating and running state, so as to improve the work efficiency and management the important risk, credit for small businesses to provide an objective and fair basis.

    This design mainly for enterprise quality design of small business scoring system, relatively close to the mainstream of today's society, the system by JSP, Servlet Technology to realize the software development, the realization of the interaction between the bank and the enterprise users, the user's Bank need by the admin client license only after the small businesses were scored and highlights the system objective and fair. To achieve the normal operation of the system. The background of this system, using MySQL database user data storage and reasonably carry on the database design, the system can be all kinds of small enterprises to upload the file for rating considerations, at the same time, it also realizes the of all kinds of information management (crud) and make the system stable operation.

    Key Words:  Enterprise score  database  JSP  MVC

    目  录






    1绪论 5

    1.1   系统研究的目的与意义 5

    1.2   系统研究现状 5

    1.3   系统研究主要内容 6

    1.4   系统研究主要方法 6

    1.5 本章小结 6

    2系统分析 6

    2.1 可行性分析

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