


    毕业论文关键词  远程控制  套接字  客户端/服务器   网络协议


    Title Design of Remote Control Software   Based on the LAN

    Abstract Remote control technology has more and more widely used in modern society, it involves remote monitoring, mobile office, remote processing, remote education and other fields. This article is based on the C/S mode in the remote control procedure, and uses the WinSock API technology. The technology and the methods used in the remote control have carried on the function prototype level detailed explain, it will be very easily understood. 

    First of all, this project are described, and then introduces the related technologies to realize the remote control, including the foundation the basic concept of Socket programming, as well as Windows message system, then start from establishing the Socket, through analysis of each function module implementation, including the monitoring screen, remote shutdown,  directly use their mouse and keyboard control, and so on, after introduced the concrete realization process of each function module, especially the file management and the realization of the mouse and keyboard control panel. Finally this paper introduces the place software needs to be improved.

    Keywords  Remote control   Socket    C/S mode    network protocol

    目  次

    1 引言 1

    2 远程控制的概念 1

    2.1 远程控制的概念 1

    2.2 远程控制中的C/S结构 2

    2.2.1 C/S模式的通信原理 2

    2.2.2 C/S结构的优点 3

    3 相关技术 3

    3.1 Visual C++的简介 3

    3.1.1 Visual C++ 2010中MFC新功能 4

    3.2 Winsock基本概念 5

    3.2.1 Winsock两种I/O模式 5

    3.2.2 MFC中的消息处理 6

    3.3 Socket编程的实现 6

    3.3.1 Socket传输方式 7


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