
    摘要:本课题研究的是基于Socket的即时聊天系统,通过Java Swing图形用户界面实现局域网内部人员之间的交流,设计开发了Java即时聊天系统。该系统主要用于学校,企业的内部网络中使用,可以通过网络共享文件存储信息,也可以使用系统内的FTP服务进行文件的上传和下载操作。它仿照了飞秋聊天系统的设计,并实现了即时聊天和文件传输的功能。为用户提供了信息交流和文件传输的功能。本系统采用java封装对象的思想,语言使用java,数据库选用MySQL数据库。分析研究了java图形化界面的控件的使用方法与实现中需求的应用,将我们大学中教程理论实现到代码的工作环境中。同时,将《Java面向对象程序设计》中的知识做了系统的复习。随后对即时聊天系统各个功能模块进行了较详细的说明,给出了具体实现步骤。即时聊天系统主要包括三个模块:好友管理模块、消息管理模块和文件管理模块。用户可以进行添加好友,删除好友,邀请好友加入;进入时自动添加到好友关系数据库中;用户可以发送并接收消息;可以对传输文件。可以预见的是,即时通信将成为人类社会最重要的通讯工具之一。67527

    毕业论文关 键 字: java swing 、 udp socket 、 eclipse 

    Abstract: This research is the instant chat system based on socket, through the Java Swing graphical user interface for communication between LAN internal personnel, design and development of the Java instant messaging system. The system is mainly used for the school, for use in the company's internal network can through shared network file storage information, can also use the FTP service system for file upload and download operations. It is modeled after the design, chat system, and realize the real-time chat and file transfer function. Provide the information exchange and file transfer function for users. This system uses Java to encapsulate the object, the use of Java language, the database selected MySQL database. Analysis of the java graphical interface of the control method and application demand, our University tutorial theory to the working environment of the code in. At the same time, the "Java" in object-oriented programming knowledge to do a systematic review. The instant messaging system each function module in detail, gives the specific implementation steps. Instant messaging system consists of three modules: friends management module, news management module and document management module. Users can add friends, delete friends, invite your friends to join; entered automatically added to the friend relationship in the database; users can to send and receive messages; documents to be transmitted. It is foreseeable, instant communication will become one of the most important communication tool for human society.

    Keywords: java swing 、 udp socket 、eclipse


    1  前言 4

    2  开发环境及相关知识简介 4

    2.1  课程设计目的 4

    2.2  局域网简介 4

    2.3  操作系统:Windows 7 5

    2.4  Eclipse简介 5

    2.5  MySQL简介 6

    2.6  Socket简介 6

    2.7  TCP/IP和UDP 7

    2.8  界面布局Java Swing 简介 8

    3  系统需求分析 8

    3.1  功能需求分析 8

    3.2  系统功能模块

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