

    我的毕业设计主要采用B/S设计模式,是基于ASP.net2010和SQL Server2008技术开发的一个校园新闻管理系统。本校园新闻管理系统实现了如下功能:1 校园新闻浏览和搜索;2 会员用户的注册、登录和新闻留言;3 系统管理员对系统和用户的管理;4 新闻管理员发布新闻。本系统其功能灵活并易于使用,可以实现校园新闻的动态管理,使得对新闻信息的管理更加及时、高效。


    Abstract:Nowadays with the development of network technology and the popularization of Internet application, Internet has become an important source of access to information. Campus news management system is to provide information for school education in the area of the school of communication and resource sharing computer network information systems. Due to the demand of information to the teachers and students at the university of now more and more high, the campus information to improve the school quality of teaching, improve the quality of student learning, and so on has a very important role. This system can realize the user free access, promote the exchange of students learning, mutual understanding, enhance the campus news cohesion.

        My graduation design mainly adopts B/S mode, is based on the 2010 ASP.net and SQL Server2008 technology development of a campus news management system. This campus news management system realizes the following functions: 1 campus news browsing and search; 2 member user register, log in, and news message; 3 system administrators for system and user management; 4 press release news administrator. This system has the function of the flexible and easy to use and can realize dynamic management of campus news, make the news information management more timely and efficient.

    Keywords:B/S model,ASP.net,SQL 

    目  录

    1  绪论 6

    1.1  选题背景 6

    1.2  系统描述 6

    1.3  系统软硬件配置 6

    2  系统分析 7

    2.1  需求分析 7

    2.2  技术分析 7

    2.3  可行性分析 7

    3  系统要求分析 8

    3.1  功能要求 8

    3.2  性能要求 8

    3.3  约束条件 8

    3.4  系统用例图 9

    4  数据库设计 11

    4.1  系统总体结构图 11

    4.2  概念设计 11

    4.3  逻辑设计 11

    4.4  物理设计 12

    5  系统详细设计 13

    5.1  网站首页设计

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