
    摘要利用现在主流的计算机技术,结合徐州11路车的公交刷卡数据,通过对数据统计分析的目标研究,进行报表定制,为进一步的统计分析,提供更清晰的大数据可视化平台。本设计运用了大数据可视化(data visualization)的基本原理和其基本技术,并结合了数据统计学原理,设计实现了徐州公交刷卡数据统计系统。68951




    Statistical data bus card system


    Now the mainstream use of computer technology, combined with Xuzhou 11 bus bus card data, through targeted research on the statistical analysis of data, and for report customization, for further statistical analysis, to provide a clearer visualization of big data platform.

    The use of design large data visualization (data visualization) of the basic principle and the basic technology, combined with the principle of statistical data, design and implementation of statistical data Xuzhou bus card system.

    This report introduces the condition of the number of bus card system, and then displayed according to demand, propose this subject objectives. And analysis of key technology issues and research methods require that JSP technology, large data visualization principles, principles of statistics, database technology, and combined with the system requirements, proposed design scheme. According to the existing information, Xuzhou Road 11 bus card data, to determine the system's main functions: Directions, site information, bus information, credit card data. Time credit card information, bus card information visualization modules and other components. Finally, data visualization process of report customization, design and implementation, and the results were analyzed.

    Key Words: public transportation systems, large data visualization, statistics, database,JSP


    Abstract II

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的目的和研究意义 1

    1) 课题研究的目的 1

    2) 课题研究的意义 1

    1.2 课题研究的国内外现状 2

    1) 课题研究的国外现状 2

    2) 课题研究的国内现状 2

    1.3 课题研究的前景与课题研究工作 3

    1) 课题研究的前景 3

    2) 课题研究的工作 3

    第二章 需求分析 4

    2.1 需求分析 4

    1) 企业现状分析 4

    2) 系统功能分析 4

    2.2 系统建设思路 5


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