    关键词: STC89S58;LED;模块化;软件;硬件
    JH7A tester software design of Microcomputer Interface
    Abstract:This design is the design of microcomputer interface JH7A tester 51 microcontroller based on the seven kinds of detection, can be linked to the, has a menu selection and detection function. In the design of the theoretical basis of the MCU and peripheral expansion of a more comprehensive knowledge of preparation. The hardware design and software design process of the JH7A tester in the design of synchronization. Hardware mainly by the STC89S58 microcontroller, LED display circuit, driving circuit, key input circuit components, system through the LED display data, more clear. The software includes: main program, key program, display program. The system software design of the MCU assembly language, in order to facilitate the expansion and change the software, uses the modular structure, make the program more simple and clear.
    Keywords: STC89S58;LED;Modularization;Software;Hardware
    1    绪论    7
    1.1    发展概况及设计背景    7
    1.2    设计概述    7
    1.3    设计实现的意义    8
    1.4    主要实现的功能    8
    2    系统总体设计    9
    2.1    总体构思与方案    9
    2.1.1    实现功能    9
    2.1.2    系统硬件框图    9
    2.2    主控芯片单片机的选择    10
    2.2.1    应用分类    10
    2.2.2    单片机的硬件特性    10
    2.2.3    单片机的基本结构    10
    2.3    放大器的选择    11
    2.3.1    仪表放大器的特点    12
    2.3.2    仪表放大器的典型结构图    12
    2.4    继电器    12
    2.4.1    按继电器的工作原理或结构特征分类    12
    2.4.2    继电器选择    13
    2.5    TLC1549IP    13
    2.5.1    基本工作原理    13
    2.5.2    引脚排列和功能    14
    2.6    ULN2003    14
    2.6.1    ULN2003特点    14
    2.6.2    ULN2003作用    15
    2.6.3    UN2003引脚    15
    2.7    MAX232    15
    2.7.1    MAX232引脚图    16
    2.7.2    引脚介绍    16
    2.8    OCMJ15X20D中文液晶显示    16
    3    系统硬件设计    18
    3.1    供电电压转换电路    18
    3.2    键盘输入电路和自检电路    18
    3.3    A/D转换电路    20
  1. 上一篇:基于USB数据采集系统的设计+源程序
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