    关键词  侵彻  加速度  存储测试系统
    Title    The Research on the Testing System of Impact Penetration
        Based on Piezoelectric Acceleration Sensor
    Penetration technology plays an essential role in the military field of 20th century , and with the requirement of future battlefield in 21st century ,penetration technology will function in an increasingly important way . Including the technologies of the accurate measurement of impact and vibration and penetration storage which are becoming one of the frontiers and hot issues among the researchers from all over the world . Accurate measurement for high penetration impact is the background of this project, which designed the piezoelectric acceleration based testing system of impact penetration , taking the STM32 of cortex-m3 series as the core , aiming at piezoelectric acceleration sensor with ICP interface , the drive circuit , signal processing circuit and data acquisition , storage and output system were designed . Using the storage measurement system , a drop test which is the analog model of penetration process is conducted to verify the availability of the system . 
    Keywords  penetration  acceleration  storage measurement system
    目 次
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    引言    1
    1.2    本课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2.1    侵彻研究的背景    1
    1.2.2    侵彻测试系统研究的意义    1
    1.3    国内外研究现状    2
    1.3.1 “硬线”测试技术的发展状况    2
    1.3.2    遥测技术的发展概况    2
    1.3.3    存储测试技术的发展概况[3]    3
    1.4    本论文的主要内容    3
    2    存储测试理论研究    5
    2.1    存储测试技术及其特点    5
    2.2    存储测试系统的组成    5
    2.2.1  存储测试系统的一般构成    5
    2.2.2    侵彻存储测试的系统构成    6
    2.2.3    引信起爆系统构成    6
    2.3    存储测试的设计原则    7
    2.3.1  技术原理可实现原则    7
    2.3.2  测试数据可回收性原则    7
    2.3.3    匹配及协调性原则    7
    2.4    存储测试信息的采样与量化    8
    2.4.1    采样    8
    2.4.2    量化    8
    3    测试系统的构思及总体设计    9
    3.1    侵彻加速度测试设计理论    9
    3.1.1  测试方案的制定    9
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