    摘要: 铁路运输以其运量大、速度快、安全、节能和对环境污染小等优势成为人类重要的交通运输方式,但是随着公路和航空的飞速发展,铁路运输受到严峻挑战,市场份额不断下将,近年来,随着世界各国环保意识的不断提高,许多国家开始大量投资发展铁路运输,尤其是高速铁路运输。我国也面临着同样的情况。究其原因,铁路装备落后、运行速度低是根本原因。针对这一现实需要,本文对快速货车轴承箱的结构和性能进行了详细研究。主要内容包括:介绍了国内外主要货车轴承箱的结构和特点,阐述了高速货车轴承箱轴承的主要结构和特点,参考和借鉴国外快速货车轴承箱的经验,提出了一个我国的新的快速货车轴承箱的方案。 在国内外轴承箱结构设计分析下, 对160km/h快速货车的轴承箱箱体结构进行分析设计,在完成车轴的结构设计,对于轴承的轴向载荷、径向载荷进行必要的计算,相关零件的选择与的一些问题上有所改善。在相关零件校核计算后,利用利用计算后的参数重新进行了计算验证,证明该轴承箱方案能够满足时速160km 的需要。 22581
    毕业论文关键词: 快速货车 轴承箱  轴承  密封 
    160km/h rapid speed wagon bearing box structure design
    Abstract: Railway became one important transport way because of its big traffic volume,high
    speed, safety, saving, and little  pollution. But with rapid development of the highroad and the
    aerial transport,the railway transport was challenged and the market share is lowing.Recently,
    with   the improving consciousness,many countries begin to invest on railway transport,
    especially high-speed railway transport. Our country is in the same condition. The reason is that
    the equipments are dropped behind,and the speed is too low.   In view of the practical need, in
    this paper, the structure an:   Introduced the structure and characteristics of main truck bearing
    box at home and abroad, expounds the main structure and characteristics of high speed freight
    bearing box bearing, reference and draw lessons from the fast freight bearing box experience,
    put forward a Chinese new fast freight bearing box scheme.   Analysis and design of bearing
    box structure at home and abroad, analyses the design of bearing box structure of 160km/h
    rapid freight cars, in the structure design of axle, make necessary calculations for the axial load,
    bearing radial load, according to the whole body and the bogie and load goods to calculate the
    minimum .improved some problems related parts of the selection . After    checking calculation
    in related parts, use parameter calculation after re validated, the bearing box scheme can meet the requirements of 160km / h.
    Key Words: high—speed freight car    Bearing box   Bearing Seal up    
    1 绪论  . 1
    1.1本文研究的背景及研究意义   1
    1.1.1 我国铁路货车及轴承箱的基本技术现状  . 1
    1.1.2 国外快速货车的发展现状及轴承箱现状和发展趋势  . 2
    1.2铁路货车的技术发展趋势及其意义  . 3
    1.3本文的主要研究内容  . 4
    2  160km/h 快速货车轴承箱的结构方案   5
    2.1快速货车轴承箱机构介绍  . 5
    2.2轴承箱箱体结构设计  . 5
    2.2轴承箱箱体材料选择  . 9
    2.3轴承箱箱体安装  . 9
    本章小结:   10
    3   160km/h 快速货车轴承的结构方案   11
    3.1   快速货车滚动轴承介绍及工作原理   11
    3.2   轴承材料选择要求   11
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