    Hot plate welding hydraulic lifting mechanism
    Abstract:PE pipe welding machine outdoor work, in order to optimize their impact on the process of welding butt welding quality, the kinematics and dynamics simulation for the existing semi-PE pipe welding machine hot plate lifting mechanism on the market, the simulation results draw more suitable parameters. The lifting mechanism simplified slider-crank mechanism, a hydraulic cylinder as a driver, even the hot plate uplift solid crank lever. Using Matlab / Simulink conduct its motion process modeling and simulation, analysis and optimization through simulation values for each parameter in turn, and then optimize the design of the structural design play a guiding role, both institutions. Matlab / Simulink with powerful computing capabilities for the kinematic mechanism can be in the respective positions, the kinetic parameters for solving the simulation results for each position is a function of time for the parameters, curve fitting parameters obtained final domain simulation results. This is convenient for the structural design of great significance.
    KeyWords:PE welding machine; hot plate uplift; slider-crank mechanism; Matlab / Simulink
     目 录
    1 绪论    1
      1.1 课题背景    1
      1.2  PE管焊接机简介    2
      1.3 PE管焊接机分类与特点    3
    2 课题目标    4
      2.1 主要任务及技术要求与参数    4
      2.2 问题的提出    4
    3 方案的设计    5
      3.1手工操作焊接机与自动/半自动焊接机的比较    5
        3.1.1 手工焊接机简述    5
        3.1.2自动焊接机系统结构特点    5
      3.2 PE管半自动液压对接焊机的组成    6
      3.3 PE管半自动液压对接焊机影响焊接质量的因素    6
      3.4 PE管半自动液压对接焊机的工作过程图          6
      3.5对于驱动方式的分析    7
      3.6 选用液压驱动的原因分析    8
      3.7传动机构的选用    9
      3.8选用MATLAB软件的原因分析    11
        3.8.1 MATLAB软件简述    11
        3.8.2  MATLAB软件的特点     12
      3.9 课题论述总结    14
    4 设计计算及仿真    15
      4.1 基本矩阵计算    15
      4.2建立数学模型    16
        4.2.1恒力过程建模    16
        4.2.2恒速过程建模    17
        4.2.3 Simulink 系统建模    17
        4.2.4 自定义函数模块的M编程    21
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