    摘要: 随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,  空调能耗持续增长,  给电力、能
    源和环境带来了巨大的压力。在一般的民用建筑中,  空调能耗占到了建筑总能耗
    的50%以上。太阳能作为一种取之不尽且无污染的自然能源,  被认为是21世纪以
    后人类可期待的、最有希望的能源,  得到了国际社会的普遍重视。通过太阳能吸
    管和管路进行设计。最终利用100m 热管式真空管集热器驱动硅胶-水吸附制冷
    关键词:  太阳能;吸附制冷;硅胶-水;空调;系统设计
    Design of a Small Scale Solar Absorption
    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning  
    Abstract:  The energy consumption of the air conditioning is drastically increased
    along with the development of economic and the improvement of living standard
    which brings huge pressure on the energy, power and environment. The energy
    consumed by air conditioners accounts for more than 50% of the buildings’ whole
    energy consumption. Solar energy as an  inexhaustible and pollution-free natural
    energy is considered to be  the most promising energy in the 21st century. For this
    reason the solar energy has obtained international widespread attention. The aim of
    this topic is to take advantages of the solar adsorption refrigeration technology and its
    distinguished feature, the stronger the solar radiation the greater system capacity, to
    achieve continuous refrigeration and air conditioning in summer. This design starts
    from solar absorption refrigerating principles, the cycle of continuous cooling process
    and the refinement of the whole process of adsorption refrigeration then ends with
    designs of solar energy collectors with vacuum tubes, heat storage water tank, etc.
    The design of vacuum tube  solar energy collectors aims  to meet the demand of hot water for absorption refrigeration machine. Then the heat storage water tank aims to
    fulfill hot water demand. On the other hand, the heat water tank is equipped with a
    electrical heating system, it is back-up energy to provide hot water for absorption
    refrigeration machine. According to the refrigerating output the fan coil system and
    pipelines are designed. Finally, the 100m2
     solar energy collectors with vacuum tubes
    drive the absorption refrigeration machine which provides 12KW refrigerating output
    and reaches 0.5 COP. It demonstrates that solar powered absorption refrigeration
    system which could continuously air conditioning a single construction in Shanghai
    during summer is possible.  
    Keywords: Solar energy; Absorption refrigeration; Silica gel/Water;
    Air-conditioning; system design 目录
    摘要. i
    Abstract. i
    1  绪论.1
    1.1  开发太阳能制冷空调技术的目的与意义1
    1.2  太阳能制冷空调的技术现状2
    1.3  吸附式制冷的研究进展与发展趋势3
    2  太阳能吸附式制冷技术.5
    2.1  吸附现象5
    2.2  太阳能吸附制冷原理5
    2.3  吸附-制冷工质对6
    2.3.1  吸附剂7
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