    关键词  膏体  火箭发动机  燃烧试验  温度  压力  测控系统  控制阀
    Title  Measurement and control system design based on paste combustion test                                     
    Today’s aircrafts or spacecrafts use mostly chemical propellant as the fuel of their rocket engines,including solid rocket engines and liquid rocket engines.However, the two engines have their own advantages and disadvantages.Solid rocket motor’s propellant is solid,which can be stored for a long time,so its structure is simple, but it is difficult to adjust its thrust and achieve start-ups time after time.Liquid rocket engine’s thrust can be adjusted and started several times, but its structure is very complex.To combining the advantages of the solid rocket engine and the liquid rocket engine, scientists and engineers successfully developed a new-style propellant named paste whose physical state is between solid and liquid.
    Because of pasty propellant similar to toothpaste, unlike solid and liquid propellant,it should be well designed that how it is stored in the rocket engine, supplied to the combustor and how to control its combustion.
    This paper,pasty propellant rocket engine experiment is the standpoint, introduces the supply mode and flow control of the pasty propellant in rocket engine, ignition control, temperature control of the combustion chamber, as well as some of the necessary safety devices. In order to achieve the corresponding measurement and control functions,we use some simple electronic components to organize the circuit diagram of the control system.The control system focuses on how to control the dosing of the fuel (the intake and exhaust valves control the fuel supply rate); how to control the temperature of the combustion chamber so that the temperature will not be too high (the temperature is obtained by thermocouple,and then be sended to the temperature control module for processing and a control signal is eventually output for subsequent use); and how the safety device works (by controlling the temperature of the combustion chamber,the use of shut-off valve to prevent the flame from flowing from the combustion chamber into the fuel container in return).
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