    毕业论文关键词: 级进模;排样;NX;弯曲
     The forming process and die design of the lighting lamp holder
    Abstract: Stamping and punching is a manufacturing method in which we gain some size, shape and performance by pressure or tension to sheet metal forming or exerting shear force on sheet to separation. Stamping and punching machining required to study two issues, stamping process and die. Currently, stampings in all kinds of industry account for a large proportion, especially in the automotive, electrical, instrumentation, military, household appliances and so on.
    This paper describes design of complex stamping in a progressive die stamping, including analysis of the workpiece stamping process and definition, stamping die design and calculation, the main is relevant process calculation, convex, concave mold parts and the main components structural design, mold design as well and so on. By process analysis to hedge and cutting pieces, you can use the smallest material consumption, minimum quantity and working hours, stable work meets the requirements of quality products, and to make the mould structure simple, long service simple, long service life of the mould, so can reduce the labor and cutting costs. Describes in detail selection of positioning way, the design and calculation of the stamping die parts, unloading device design, etc.
    Through the analysis of a given stamping parts, combined with various data of the stamping die for stamping die design, step by step in the design process pay attention to the optimization of stamping process, layout design is reasonable, the more accurate positioning, so as to achieve the aim of material productivity high.
    Key words: progressing die;layout;NX;bengding
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  模具工业的概况和发展方向    1
    1.2  级进模概述    2
    1.3 NX PDW概述    3
    2  工艺方案及模具结构的确定    5
    2.2  冲压件的工艺分析    5
    2.3  冲压工艺方案的确定    6
    2.4  模具结构形式确定    6
    3  级进模排样设计    7
    3.1  工件展开尺寸计算    7
    3.2  排样设计    8
    4  冲压力和压力中心的计算    11
    4.1  冲压力计算    11
    4.2  压力中心的计算    12
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