

    反向利用内燃机工作原理,设计基于空气消能的垂直升降电梯轿厢自备逃生装置,包括滚筒、减速机构、空气压缩机构和控制气缸吸排气的凸轮机构。研究空气消能原理,设计总体方案,进行结构设计。利用SolidWorks 2010 对装置进行实体建模,并进行运动仿真。通过仿真结果我们可以得出结论:理论上该方案可以保证电梯安全降落。



    At present, with the rapid development of social economy, the high civil buildings increase rapidly. The high civil buildings emerge in a large amount,to bring vigor and power for urban economic development. At the same time, because of high civil buildings, in case of a fire, the fire spreads quickly, the person is not easily evacuated, fire fighting and rescue are difficultly,to bring enormous trouble and crisis to fire control work.The elevator is main tools in the high building, but the elevator are not allowed to use in the fire in many countries, the reason is that the cable that control the elevator will be burned in the fire to break, causing the elevator in power outage and trapping the people in the in box when the elevator was in half . 

    Refered to working principle of the internal combustion engine,this subject designs a kind of self-provided devise of vertical lifts based of air energy dissipation, including roller, slow institution, air compression institution and the CAM mechanism of the suction or discharge cylinder.This subject studies air energy dissipation,designs the overall plan and design reasonable structure. we use SolidWorks 2010 to make entity model of the device,and proper the assembly and motion simulation of virtual prototype . Through the simulation results we can come to the conclusion that the scheme can theoretically guarantee elevator land safely.

    Key words:elevator safety,air energy dissipation,Structure design,modeling and simulation.


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究现状 2

    1.2.1国内外发生这类坠落事故的常见原因 2

    1.2.2现有电梯轿厢自备逃生装置的研究现状与存在问题 3

    1.3 研究内容 4

    第二章 总体方案设计 6

    2.1空气消能原理 6

    2.2总体方案 6

    2.3主要机构尺寸 7

    2.3.1气缸活塞的尺寸要求 7

    2.3.2曲柄的尺寸要求 9

    2.3.3连杆的尺寸要求 10

    2.3.4滚筒的尺寸要求 10

    2.4本章小结 11

    第三章 结构设计 12

    3.1气缸活塞连杆曲柄组线设计 12


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