


    毕业论文关键词: 除尘设备  袋式除尘器  脉冲喷吹清灰

    Abstract In the world today,environmental problem as a hot topic which people have paid more attention to.With the launch of various environmental regulations,All kinds of dust removal equipment also arising at the historic moment.According to the 2000 September 1 of the implementation of the People's Republic of China on the prevention of air pollution of the provisions of article 14, 15, the country will according to each enterprise of air pollutants pollutant discharge fee collection,only using high efficiency, high quality of dust removal equipment to long for enterprise save blowdown cost.

    Therefore, this paper mainly aimed at the bag filter dust removal efficiency high, strong adaptability, flexible, simple structure,stable characteristics such as design, considering the classification of bag filter, working principle and the influence of the efficiency of filtering based on the structure design of dust.The contents of the design including the filter bag, body design, duct resistance calculation and pipeline structure design, pulse blowing out dust mechanism design, etc.

    KeyWords: dust-cleaning apparatus,baghouse,Pulse blowing out dust

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1

    1.3 本文的研究内容 2

    第二章  除尘器类型选择 3

    2.1 除尘器的分类 3

    2.2 合理选择除尘器需要考虑的因素 4

    第三章   袋式除尘器的结构设计 8

    3.1  袋式除尘器的定义及其工作原理 8

    3.2袋式除尘器的特点及分类 8

    3.3 袋式除尘器的组成及各部位的作用 10

    3.4 袋式除尘器设计要点 11

    3.5 袋式除尘器的相关计算 16

    3.5.1 参数的选取 16

    3.5.2 进气方式 17

    3.5.3 气体过滤方式的确定 18

    3.5.5 参数计算 19

    3.6 脉冲系统研究 25

    3.6.1 喷吹压力的确定与研究 25

    3.6.2气箱脉冲喷吹清灰系统设计及计算 27

    3.6.3气箱脉冲喷吹系统储气罐的设计 28

    3.6.4脉冲清灰控制 29

    第四章  除尘器辅助设施设计

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