





    The Friction Stir Welding technology developed in the 1990s,since the invention of industrial applications,it is a new type of solid-phase connection technology,which is the time span of the shortest and fastest-growing.It is recognized one of the most promising and most suitable for the manufacture of aviation materials and structure,because of Friction Stir Weld is homogeneous,connector excellent mechanical properties,the safety of the production process,no spatter,no dust flue gas,no radiation,little pollution,Low cost and technical advantages,therefore been widely used in many industrial areas.To the traditional manufacturing process has brought a revolutionary transformation with the Friction Stir Welding technology awareness raising.Friction stir welding technology is a low-melting alloy materials for solid connection method.This technology can be used to weld welding difficult material.

    After a period of study, understand the friction stir welding machine working principle, technical advantage and industrial application and research status, development prospects and related information. And science put forward two kinds of feasible solution, from the overall design scheme of two kinds of comparative study, found that the transformation of CNC milling machine for friction stir welding is more convenient, high reliability, easy for CNC operation, has higher use value. 

    This design out of the Friction Stir Welding,total power about 11KW, thick suitable for the general process of aluminum and its alloys welding test piece Friction Stir head speed 3000r/min,max thickness 20mm weld,this paper introduces the basic Friction Stir Welding technology principles and characteristics,Summary description of the technical advantages of friction stir welding,research,industrial applications and development prospects,technology test specimen for Friction Stir Welding,main design,calculation and check of the equipment of the main parts,Are able to meet the requirements of the welder.The device is compact,simple,easy to operate,lower cost compared with market prices。

    Keywords:Friction Stir Weld,Solid-phase welding,Aluminum Welding,Application prospects,Welder structural design

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