    本次设计主要目的在于了解缓冲罐的结构、特点及工作原理。尽可能满足工艺要求,具有合理的强度与刚度,同时以良好的经济性为目的设计缓冲罐,使其安全性、经济性及环保要求均合格。通过对10m3氧气缓冲罐的研究,能够对当前化工生产中一些设备的管路流量不均匀起到一定的改善作用,保证氧气的平稳缓冲,为保证化工厂安全运行提供了保障。关键词: 缓冲罐;结构设计;补强计算;经济性8277
    The Design Of 10m3 Oxygen Buffer Tank
    Abstract: Buffer tank is one of the most common containers in chemical production, mainly composed of a cylinder, head, bearing and various pipe and flange. It is also called a surge tank or a pressure tank. The tank body is provided with an air inlet pipe, an outlet pipe, a sewage drain pipe, a safety valve and a pressure gauge. Buffer tank takes the effect of security and separating the medium. It also can be applied to adjust the balance of the gas production, the air demand and the gas consumption, ensure the stabilization of air supply pressure.
    The main purpose of this design is to understand the structure, characteristics and working principle of the buffer tank. As far as possible to meet the process requirements, with reasonable strength and stiffness, and at the same time, with a good economy for the purpose to design a buffer tank, so that its security, economy and environmental protection requirements are all qualified. Through the study of 10m3 oxygen buffer tank, uneven pipeline flow of some equipment plays a role in the improvement in the current production of chemical industry.
    KeyWords: buffer tank; structure design; reinforcement calculation; economy

    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 介质性质    2
    1.3 立式氧气缓冲罐的特点    3
    2 缓冲罐结构设计    4
    2.1 主要零部件结构形式设计    4
    2.1.1 封头的选择    4
    2.1.2 容器支座的选择    4
    2.1.3 法兰的选取    5
    2.2 主要零部件的材料选择    6
    2.2.1 筒体与封头材料的选择    6
    2.2.2 支承式支座材料的选择    7
    2.2.3 地脚螺栓的材料选择    7
    2.2.4 接管材料的选择    7
    2.2.5 法兰材料的选择    8
    3 设计计算    9
    3.1 设计压力    9
    3.2 设计温度    9
    3.3 设备容积    10
    3.4 筒体的直径    10
    3.5 筒体的长度计算    11
    3.6 罐体壁厚设计    11
    3.7 封头壁厚的设计    12
    3.8 封头的结构尺寸    13
    3.9 接管的选取    14
    3.10 法兰的选取    15
    3.11 垫片的选取    16
    3.12 螺栓的选择    17
    3.13 人孔选型    18
    3.14 支承式支座选型和结构设计    19
    3.15 焊接机构设计    22
    3.16 安全阀选型    24
    3.16.1容器安全泄放量的计算    24
    3.16.2安全阀的排放面积    25
    3.17 弯头    26
    3.18 压力表的选取    26
    3.19 吊耳    27
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