

    毕业论文关键词 压缩空气发动机 活塞 连杆 曲轴 机体 动力学

    Title   The overall structure design and modeling of reciprocating compressed air engine    

    Abstract Have analyzed the development of automobile and the influence it brings to the society. It explains the necessity of the compressed air engine development, and investigates the development at home and abroad in this respect at recently. The structure design of compressed air engine to the combustion engine as a reference, and take the method of valuing by empirical formula in the size determination of some parts. It takes some new structural form according to its own particularity. Through the use of software multi-body dynamics analysis, it takes motion simulation to the crank and connecting rod mechanism of engine. Have researched the changes of velocity 、acceleration and various forces of engine. It checks the strength of main parts. The result of dynamics-simulation and strength check shows that the design result can meet the requirement.

    Keywords  compressed-air engine  piston  link-rod  crankshaft  cylinder-block  dynamics


    1 绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

    1.2国内外的发展现状 1

    1.3研究的主要内容 2

    2 发动机的总体设计 3

    2.1发动机的总体设计方案 3

    2.2发动机主要参数的确定 5

    2.3发动机总体布置草图 7

    3 活塞组的设计、建模 8

    3.1活塞的设计 8

    3.2活塞环的设计 11

    3.3活塞销的设计 12

    3.4活塞组的三维建模 13

    3.5活塞组的质量换算 14

    4 连杆组的设计、建模 15

    4.1连杆小头的结构设计 15

    4.2连杆杆身的结构设计 16

    4.3连杆大头的结构设计 16

    4.4连杆螺栓的设计 17

    4.5连杆组的三维建模 17

    4.6连杆组的质量换算 18

    5 曲轴飞轮组的设计、建模 20

    5.1曲轴的设计 20

    5.3飞轮的设计 22

    5.4曲轴的三维建模 24

    5.5曲轴的质量换算 24

    6 机体组的设计、建模 26


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