


    毕业论文关键词 脉冲发动机 总体设计 内弹道 侧喷管性能 燃烧室强度 


    Title         Design for Solid Pulse Rocket Motor                     


    Using solid pulse rocket motor for attitude control and ballistic correction is one of the most effective methods to improve the accuracy of mortars and rockets.Solid pulse rocket motor achieve attitude control and ballistic correction tasks perfectly, having great potential application value in the domains of spaceflight and military .This paper focuses on solid pulse rocket motor design taking the demand of Smart vehicle for high performance attitude and ballistic control motors.

    According to great deal of relevant information at home and abroad, a specific motor structure with side nozzles is proposed according to the overall target and the arranging of solid pulse rocket motors is also designed. In this paper,the type and the size of the grains is designed, research of the ballistics of the combustion chamber using MATAB and a preliminary investigation of the side nozzles’performance with the help of  FLUENT are included.

    A check for the intensity of the combustion chamber of the solid pulse rocket motor  while it is working1 and overloaded using ABAQUS is also done.

    Keywords  solid rocket motor,overall design,internal ballistic,side nozzles’ performance,intensity of the combustion chamber

    目  次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.1.1  研究背景 1

    1.1.2  研究意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1  国外发展状况 2

    1.2.2  国内发展状况 3

    1.3  本文研究内容 4

    2  脉冲发动机的总体设计 6

    2.1  总体技术指标 6

    2.2  发动机组总体结构的选择 6

    2.3  材料选择 7

    2.3.1  燃烧室壳体材料的选择 7

    2.3.2  发动机基座材料的选择 8

    2.4  推进剂的选择 8

    2.5  小结 10

    3  装药设计 11

    3.1  装药药型的选择 11

    3.2  设计方案的选择 12

    3.2.1  多孔管装药设计参量计算式

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