






     The control system of small household cleaning robot

    Abstract Small household cleaning robot is an integration of the key technologies of mobile robot technology, sensor technology and computer control technology in multiple areas, implementation of family of a small range of ground automatic cleaning, instead of the normal people's manual cleaning work, at present on the market there have been a lot of this kind of equipment, but core technology mainly depends on import, so most expensive. So in the Internet plus and Home Furnishing intelligent background, the product has very broad market prospects.

    In this paper, we first review the small household cleaning robot at home and abroad research present situation, after the study and comparison of several domestic and foreign typical products, put forward to the for daily household, lower cost price of cleaning robot design.

    The current household cleaning robot system mainly consists of the cleaning robot and intelligent automatic charging station. In this paper, the main body of the robot is described, and the realization of the hardware circuit is completed. Through the comprehensive comparison of various schemes of the input and output interface, the memory and the reliability of, the product of main control microcomputer chip selected macro crystal company STC89C52 MCU, the MCU application system function is strong, small size, price cheap and can fully meet the design requirements.

    Then, the infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensor, power module and motor control circuit are designed in detail.

    Finally, after the design and production of the prototype, the experimental study, the results of the surface, the production of the cleaning robot can complete the simple environment of a small range of cleaning work, to achieve the desired results

    关键词:robot, MCU, intelligence

     摘   要 i

    Abstract ii

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景、目的与意义 1

    1.1.1 机器人技术概述 1

    1.1.2 服务型机器人的出现原因

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