

    毕业论文关键词  注塑模具 手把盖 

    Title      motorcycle handle cover injection mold design  

    Abstract Abstract :The main topic covered for motorcycle handle cover injection mold design, the cover materials is PA1010, is commonly found in industrial production of a protective cover products. Through the process of plastic parts for analysis and comparison, the final design of an injection mold. The product mix from technology issues, and specific mold structure of the casting mold system, mold forming part of the structure, side pumped body, top of the system, cooling system, the choice of injection molding machine and related calibration parameters are detailed design, at the same time and developed a simple process dies. Through the entire design process that the mold can be achieved by the plastic parts processing requirements. Designed in accordance with the subject's main task is to build a round plastic injection mold design, that is, the design of an injection mold to produce plastic products in order to achieve automation to increase production. Plastic parts for the specific structure of the mold is the spokes-style single-gate injection mold surface. 

    Keywords  Injection mold, handle cover 

    目   次

    1. 绪论 6

    2. 工艺设计 7

    2.1. 塑件的结构工艺性分析 : 7

    2.2. 材料选择 8

    2.3. 成型工艺 9

    2.4. 注射成型工艺过程 9

    3. 模具总体方案 10

        3.1. 注射模的结构设计 10

        3.2. 方案的论证和比较 12

    3.3. 顺序打开结构 16

    4. 模具详细设计 16

    4.1. 成形零件的工作尺寸计算 17

    4.1.1. 型腔的径向尺寸 17

    4.1.2. 型芯的计算 17

    4.2. 动模板的强度校核 18

    4.3. 模架的选定 19

    4.4. 注塑机初选 19

    4.5. 成型设备的的校核 19

    4.5.1. 模具闭合高度的校核 19

    4.5.2.  注射机有关参数 19

    4.5.3. 开模行程的校核 19

    4.5.4. 模具安装部分的校核 19

    4.5.5. 注塑机参数的校核 19

    4.6. 浇注系统设计

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