


    其次, 阐述了并联机器人的总体机构设计方案,详细列举了各个零部件的设计和选型,并给出了并联机器人的总体装配图和局部零件的装配图及分解图。





    Title    Parallel Robot Mechanism Design               

     Abstract: In recent years, delta robot has increasingly gained attention of most people, and gradually began to mature in industry applications. Compared with the serial robot, parallel robot has a great advantage. One of them is that the motor can be fixed to the base, so that it can reduce the weight of the machine body. Therefore, the parallel robot is ideal for directly driving situations. Another advantage of parallel robot is his stiffness is high, these characteristics can get higher accuracy and faster operation.

    In this paper, first introduced the research background and significance, and the current development status of the robot, trends and bottlenecks encountered in research are described. Meanwhile on the current status of research to present My own views. On this basis, to look ahead at prospects for the development of parallel robot and trends.

    Secondly, explains the overall parallel robot mechanism design, detailed the various parts of the design and selection, and gives the general assembly drawing parallel robot and local parts of the assembly drawings and exploded view.

    Then through the parallel robot kinematics analysis, detailed lists of parallel kinematics inverse solution. Meanwhile, the movement of the parallel robot space calculations and statics analysis.

    Finally, selecting and designing the parallel robot parts. For critical components of the force, its detailed stress analysis and theoretical checked.

    Keywords: robot, mechanical design, location inverse solution

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  本课题的背景 1

    1.2  相关技术研究现状分析 1

    1.3  发展趋势 2

    2  并联机器人机构方案总体设计 3

    2.1  并联机器人机构方案的拟定 3

    2.2  并联机器人总的装配图 4

    2.3  并联机器人静平台的设计 4

    2.4  减速器与主动杆之间的轴及轴上零件的设计 5

    2.5  主动杆的设计 6

    2.6  主动杆与从动杆之间的轴的设计

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