




    Title        The design of 300mm variable trust   solid rocket motor                               


    Variable thrust solid rocket motor can adjust the size and the direction of thrust according to the real need. On the flight of rocket and missile, their flying state can be changed by adjusting the size and direction of thrust, thereby greatly improving the combat performance of the rocket, missile and other weapons. So the research of the variable thrust solid rocket motor has been paid much attention. Based on this background, in this paper, the grain design and interior ballistic calculation of 300mm solid rocket motor is carried out.

    On the basics of the given task, this paper firstly complete the grain design of 300mm solid rocket motor with the method of programming according to the process of Star-hole grain design, the calculation and analysis of the variation of combustion area and vent area with the burning of grain. And secondly, with the data of previous calculation, the paper calculate and analyze the property of interior ballistic of two kind of rocket motor, that’s motor with one variable nozzle and motor with one main nozzle and six small controllable nozzle, and get the variation curve of pressure and force with time.

    Key words: Solid rocket motor, trust control, grain design, interior ballistic calculation

    目   录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 固体火箭发动机装药设计 1

    1.2 固体火箭发动机推力调节技术 3

    1.3 本文的主要研究内容 5

    2 星孔装药设计的基本理论 7

    2.1 星孔装药的一般类型 7

    2.2 星孔装药几何参量与设计参量的关系 7

    2.3 本章小结 13

    3 内弹道计算的基本理论 14

    3.1 零维内弹道微分方程 14

    3.2 零维内弹道方程的计算 16

    3.3 本章小结 21

    4 星孔装药的设计计算过程 22

    4.1 装药设计基本参数输入 22

    4.2 星孔装药几何参数的计算过程 24

    4.3 星孔装药几何参数计算结果

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