

    毕业论文关键字: 数据挖掘 遍历搜索 最短路径法 相似性程度


    Title  Social Networking Core Community Members Mining Algorithm


    With the increasing development of the Internet, social networking sites have penetrated many corners of our daily lives, the attendant produced a huge amount of information. And looking into the core of social network users, help us to further analyze these social networks. I will explore two perspectives: one from the number of fans and other data comparing the level of analysis. 2 From the user by evaluating the influence of level of abstraction for analysis. At the data level, the use of the adjacent table storage structure to form the relationship between users diagram using traversal search and sort algorithms to analyze the data. In the abstract level, from a user through social networks and other user-interactive process, the abstract, deep information data, image technology and found that the local communities, the degree of similarity computing users. Such as using the shortest path method, a common concern for some users for up searching. This study uses a lot of basic algorithms and data mining algorithms, the establishment of a social network for finding the core user's profile designs.


    1 绪论 2

    1.1 选题的背景和意义 2

    1.2 研究的目的和主要任务 4

    2 社交网络和复杂网络 5

    2.1 关于度和度分布的研究 5

    2.2 关于中心性的分析 5

    2.3 关于核心-缘结构的分析 6

    2.4 网络的重叠群落结构 6

    3 发现社区和寻找核心用户 7

    3.1 局部网络发现算法 7

    3.2 通过比较粉丝数来寻找核心用户。 9

    3.3 最短路径算法 11

    3.4 用户的相似性程度和用户影响力 13

    4 对两个层次的比较 17

    4.1   粉丝的价值

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