
    摘要本文主要探究了在三坐标联动数控铣床上对复杂螺旋曲面加工方法设计的一般 流程,选择双头螺杆作为研究对象进行模拟加工,采用空间无瞬心包络加工原理对工 件和刀具的坐标建立关系方程,采用拟牛顿法对方程进行求解,得到工件与刀具之间 的相对位置关系,得到编制数控加工程序所需要的各种坐标数据信息,使用 VB 语言 编制了具有自动生成在特定机床上加工这种螺杆的数控程序功能的数控自动编程系 统,并对加工的精度与误差进行了分析与探究。验证了空间无瞬心包络原理加工复杂 螺旋曲面的可行性。培养了我们综合运用专业知识,进行应用软件设计开发的能力。68496


    Title High speed CNC maching of AISI 304 stainless

    stell;Optimization of process parameters by MOGA


    paper explores the general flow of the coordinate axis CNC milling machine for complex surface machining method spiral design, choice of screw-headed as the research object, no instantaneous spatial coordinates Envelope processing principle to establish the relationship between the workpiece and the tool equation during using the quasi-Newton method for solving equations, get the relative position of the workpiece and the tool between export all the information needed for the preparation of the NC program, using VB prepared with automatically generated on a particular screw machining NC program this function CNC automatic programming system. And using VB program processing tool path analysis. On whether the processing carried out to determine the presence of interference, and the machining accuracy of the analysis and exploration. Verify the feasibility of space without instantaneous Envelope principles for complex machining helical surface. Our ability to develop integrated use of expertise, application software design and development.

    Keywords coordinate linkage, complex spiral curved space without instantaneous Envelope, automatic programming.


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题简介 1

    1.2 异形螺杆简介 1

    1.3 螺旋曲面加工技术的发展和现状 2

    1.4 本课题的研究内容 3

    1.5 目的和意义 3

    2 本文设计及计算过程 4

    2.1 加工设备介绍 4

    2.2 无瞬心空间包络铣削法的原理 7

    2.3 刀具的选择及其结构 8

    2.4 无瞬心空间包络方法的建立过程 8

    2.5 工件与刀具的空间啮合条件 13

    2.6 工件与刀具啮合几何关系的确定 14

    2.7 刀具运动轨迹数学模型 15

    2.8 推导刀具啮合条件下刀具中心参数中的基本向量

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