

    毕业论文关键词  换刀机器人  末端操作器  无源式机械手爪  交流伺服电机 


    Title          Design of tool exchange robot   esign of the end effector             


    It is very helpful for the increase of production efficiency to decrease the time of tool changing. So it is meaningful for industrial enterprises to develop the tool exchange robot. A general design of tool exchange robot is proposed. The tool exchange robot consists of the horizontal movement system, the vertical movement system and the end effector. There are four degrees of freedom. The combination of rectangular form and rotation is used as structural style. The robot is powered by DC servo motor. The paper mainly deals with the design of the end effector. A type of passive mechanical hand is designed to hold the tool. A cylindrically coiled spring is designed to clamp and relax the tool. A type of push-pull electromagnet is determined to keep the tool clamped. The 90SZ54 type of AC servo motor and the correspondent XB1 type of harmonic reducer are determined to drive the effector. The intensity check and analysis of some selected or designed parts were carried out, which guarantees the safety and reliability of the system.

    Keywords  Tool exchange robot  End effector  Passive mechanical hand  AC Servo motor  

    目   次

    1   引言1

    1.1  自动换刀装置的概念1 

    1.2  自动换刀装置的发展历史和研究现状1

    1.3  自动换刀装置的发展趋势2

    1.4  课题研究的意义2

    2  换刀机器人的总体方案设计 4

    2.1  总体功能设计4

    2.2  换刀机器人的技术设计4

    2.3  机械系统设计  5

    3  末端操作器设计10

    3.1  手爪结构设计10

    3.2  手部夹紧力和驱动力的计算 11

    3.3  销的选用和校核12

    3.4  驱动系统设计13

    3.5  联轴器的选用21

    3.6  传动轴设计24

    3.7  圆柱螺旋弹簧设计27

    3.8  键的选用与校核30

    3.9  轴承的选用32

    3.10  电磁铁的选用32

    结论  34

    致谢 35


    1  引言


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