    摘要:现代科技的飞速发展,使得所有的领域都走向机械化,无论是农业、工业还是军事等这些都离不开液压技术。没有液压系统的支持,全面的机械化就难以实现。小到医疗设备,大到航空母舰,这些都离不开液压系统。所以我们对液压元件(如:先导式减压阀)的掌握十分有必要。  34624
    毕业论文关键词: 先导式减压阀;液压系统;密封性
    The 3D modeling and design of pilot type reduction valve
    Abstract:The rapid development of modern science and technology, make all fields to mechanization, agricultural, industrial or military, etc. These are inseparable from the hydraulic technology. Without the support of hydraulic system, the comprehensive mechanization is difficult to achieve. Small to medical equipment, to the carrier, these are inseparable from the hydraulic system. So we for hydraulic components (such as: pilot operated pressure reducing valve) control is very necessary.  
    Abstract: This design mainly in the market today of the pressure reducing valve for the foundation, Pilot typesetting value output pressure reducing valve design. In the graduation design process adopted some of the pressure reducing valve about new technology and new ideas, And used to pilot typesetting value output pressure reducing valve design, First of all, the explore of pilot operated pressure reducing valve structure, I drew up two plans to study of pilot operated pressure reducing valve: one is the pipe joint type; the other is a plate type. Through the comparison and analysis, pipe socket type of installation is convenient and simple structure, no complex structures, so I Choose the now has more and more widely applied pipe threaded connections fixed value output pressure reducing valve, So as to improve the sensitivity of the pressure reducing valve, Make products to meet the design requirement in the case, More rationalization and In the existing based on pressure reducing valve by changing the main valve core materials, So as to improve the sensitivity of the pressure reducing valve, Make products to meet the design requirement in the case, More rationalization
    In the graduation design main reference the forerunner of the pressure reducing valve DR50 type of related products structure and technical parameters, And as the foundation, To guide the design of hydraulic pressure reducing valve setting value output valve core structure parameters, Through calculation and continuous optimization of the pressure reducing valve to part or whole performance improved perfect.
    1. 选题的背景和意义    1
    1.1 选题的背景    1
    1.2 液压技术发展趋势    1
    1.3 选题意义    2
    2. 文献综述    2
    2.1 减压阀的介绍    2
    2.2 定值减压阀的介绍    2
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