    关键词  零售业态  连锁便利店  盈利模式  案例分析
    Title  Localization Research on Profit Mode of Chain Convenience Stores                                     
    Convenience stores format as an advanced retail business model, with the modern features that shopping is more convenient than supermarkets, after 20 years of rapid development in China, has become an important part of China’s retail formats. China’s convenience store starts late. Although the data shows that China's convenience store enterprise has achieved sustainable growth, there is a big gap between its and abroad’s in terms of scale, efficiency and profitability levels. It is visibly undesirable to put blind emphasis on the expansion or just copy the foreign operation model. It is a serious problem that how the convenience store operators master consumer demand, how they regulate profit mode to adjust the changes of the business situation and then achieve in an impregnable position in the wave of the competition. This paper introduces the concepts of chain operation, chain convenience stores as well as profit model and also, it describes the types and characteristics of the chain convenience stores profit model. On the basis of the research and analysis of the present situation of our chain  convenience stores profit model, we will give out feasible advice and countermeasures for the existing problems.
    Keywords Retailing  Chain convenience stores  Profit model
    Case analysis
    目   录

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究内容及方法    2
    1.3  相关概念的解释    2
    2  理论依据与文献综述    5
    2.1  理论依据    5
    2.2  文献综述    6
    3  我国连锁便利店盈利模式现状    9
    3.1  连锁便利店盈利模式的发展演变    9
    3.2  连锁便利店盈利模式的类型及特点    10
    3.3  连锁便利店盈利模式存在的问题    12
    4  案例分析——以美宜佳为例    16
    4.1  公司概况    16
    4.2  美宜佳盈利模式分析    16
    4.3  美宜佳盈利模式的特点    17
    4.4  美宜佳盈利模式的启示    19
    5  我国连锁便利店盈利模式发展策略    20
    5.1  连锁便利店经营环境分析    20
    5.2  连锁便利店盈利模式发展策略    21
    结  论    23
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