    关键字:客户体验 网络营销 客户满意度 品牌忠诚度4887
    Customer experience of network marketing impact study
    Abstract:In today's world, the rapid development of the Internet, more and more Internet-enabled was familiar with people. The Internet has become a platform which indispensable with communication, work, entertainment and shopping in people's daily life. Where there was exchange, the Internet is not only a place of exchange of information, it has also become the platform of today's world of business activities. With this series of business activities, the era of network marketing has quietly come.
    Consumer experience with the development of the economic emergence of a new consumption patterns, and consumption of network experience is the product of the development of the Internet economy. Improve the network equipment, network signal coverage, the popularity of home computer network technology and the development of communication technology, network experiential marketing at this stage can be achieved.
    Changes in customer demand is the basis of network marketing companies, the essence of marketing is to explore the law of demand, production, development, and delivery. Inferior race as a starting point, this paper discusses the characteristics of the customer experience and network marketing consumer groups.
    On this basis, this paper focuses on mining customer experience to bring customer satisfaction, the impact of brand loyalty, by influencing factors enhance the customer experience, to promote the development of network marketing.
    Firstly, from the theoretical studies have shown the feasibility of the customer experience in the network marketing from a marketing point of view, and then defining the fundamental meaning of the customer experience and network marketing characteristics.
    The characteristics of the network marketing is the fundamental basis for the development of customer experience process. In this paper, the customer experience, customer satisfaction, loyalty, psychological and behavioral characteristics of the network experiential marketing in-depth theoretical discussion, and on this basis, optimized customer experience program to address the issue of network marketing.
    Keywords: customer experience;network marketing;Customer satisfaction;Brand loyalty
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