    关键词  控股股东  投资决策  融资决策
    Title  Research on Controlling Shareholder proxy issues affect investment and financing                                                         
    The enterprise will invest the decision-making and the financing decision-making is affecting this enterprise future the cash current capacity growth, the realization enterprise value maximization, will have to take to invest and financing.In our country capitalism market, has the holding shareholder generally, relies on its ultra strong controlling force, about its in enterprise's investment decision-making and financing decision-making.Urges under the opportunism behavior, the holding shareholder meeting neglects the enterprise value maximization, transfers pursues own benefit to be biggest, gain domination personal income, in plundering young shareholder's benefit, invests controllability resources has the domination income origin, therefore the holding shareholder meeting through the influence enterprise's investment decision-making achieved own goal
    As a result of our country's peculiar circumstance, the enterprise financing aspect, have obviously by chance, and stockholder's rights financing, this contradicts with the order financing theory.Likewise, has this kind of phenomenon primary cause also is the holding shareholder's self-interest behavior.
    This article through the theoretical analysis and the construction model regression analysis, discovered owns stocks the proportion along with the holding shareholder to increase, enterprise's investment disbursement can increase along with it, also enterprise all by chance stockholder's rights financing, the state-owned holding enterprise is so.
    Finally, in view of the conclusion which obtains, puts forward the corresponding proposal.
    Keywords  The holding shareholder  Investment Decision  Financing Decision
     目   次   
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景和研究意义    1
    1.1.1研究背景    1
    1.1.2研究意义    1
    1.2国内外文献综述    2
    1.2.1股权结构与控股股东代理问题    2
    1.2.2控股股东与公司投资融资决策    2
    1.3研究方法和研究内容    4
    1.3.1研究方法    4
    1.3.2研究内容    4
    2概念界定与相关理论    5
    2.1 概念界定    5
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