毕业论文关键字:吉利 沃尔沃 品牌溢出 产品品牌 雇主品牌 企业品牌
Abstract With the internationalization of China's automobile industry, using brand overflow theory to analyze some effect of the merger and acquisition between Geely and Volvo, so as to study the effect on enterprise both the internal and external. From the views on brand, through the points of product brand, employer brand, enterprise brand to elaborate the spillover effect of the merger. Among these points, the direction of the product brand is from consumer, and analyze how the spillover effect affects on the consumer and the product brand of Geely, I get that the behavior of merger can promote the quality of product which can make the product more popular and make customers have more confidence on home-made car. From the enterprise staff's position to analyze the spillover effects of mergers and acquisitions from employer brand, I get that after the merger of the two enterprise their employees feel more confident and a sense of security, which can bring the company the positive impact on the management of the company operating, and external potential employees have more employment opportunities. The combination of the product and employer brand formed the unique enterprise brand, and then from this point I analyze the behavior of merger whether to bring Geely the spillover effects of brand, I get that the corporate brand as an intangible asset of enterprise, improve the competitiveness of the enterprises and the creativity of the industry.
引言 5
1 溢出效应理论概述 6
1.1溢出效应的概念 6
1.2跨国并购的知识溢出效应 6
1.3 品牌溢出效应 7
2 吉利并购VOLVO的品牌溢出效应 8
2.1 案例介绍 8
2.2 案例分析 9
2.2.1 并购动因 9
2.2.2 并购后发展 10
2.2.3 并购的品牌溢出效应 11
3 启示与总结 15
致 谢 17
参考文献 18
1 溢出效应理论概述
溢出效应(Spillover Effect),是指一个组织在进行某项活动时,不仅会产生活动所预期的效果,而且会对组织之外的人或社会产生的影响。溢出效应分为知识溢出效应、技术溢出效应和经济溢出效应等。
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