    毕业论文关键词:中小企业   财务危机   危机应对   成因
    Study on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Financial Crisis
    Abstract: From the beginning of the seventies of the last century, with the rapid development of the global economy, whether it is developing and developed countries, small and medium-sized enterprises in the proportion of existing enterprises are generally more than 90%, to become the main force of economic development. From the thirties of the last century, some scholars for enterprise financial crisis research, then more and more people to be aware of the importance of financial crisis. The past twenty years is the era of high-speed development of economy of our country, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have become an important force in promoting China's economic development. But because the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country widespread management method is not standardized, unreasonable capital structure, internal control system is not perfect etc., a direct result of its anti risk ability is weak, easily lead to financial crisis. Therefore, for small and medium-sized enterprises, the financial crisis causes and responding to the study is very important, only with a full understanding of the causes of the financial crisis may occur, to prevent the financial crisis in full. From the internal factors and external factors of small and medium-sized enterprises, the financial crisis causes are analyzed, and accordingly put forward countermeasures, and finally to Xiake color spinning Co., Ltd. as an example, analyzes the possible causes of the financial crisis and the crisis should provide relevant suggestions.
    Key Words:small and medium-sized enterprises   financial crisis    crisis handle   cause
    一、导论 1
    (一)研究背景和意义 1
    (二)国内外研究现状 2
    (三)财务危机的定义 3
    (一)外部因素  4
    (二)内部因素  6
    四、案例分析——以霞客环保色纺股份有限公司为例 13
         (一)数据分析 14
         (二)原因分析 16
         (三)财务危机应对建议 18
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