毕业论文关键词:商业银行 中小企业 信贷风险 防范对策
The Analysis on the Credit Risk from loans to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Commercial Banks
Abstract: From the view of commercial banks, this paper studies the problems of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) credit risk management and puts forwards the corresponding strategies, which will promote commercial banks and the SMEs to achieve the target of double-win. By combining theory and practice, such as the information asymmetry theory, comprehensive risk management theory and financial innovation theory, we find out that there are some problems in Chinese commercial banks’ SMEs credit management, including the serious information asymmetry problems, the inadequate in comprehensive risk management and the lack of financial innovation. So, how to control the credit risk of commercial banks in china? We point out some corresponding strategies, such as establishing a credit risk early warning system to solve the problem of information asymmetry, strengthening the loan investigation, examination, management and the credit rating system to improve the comprehensive risk management system, innovating the financial services and products, financial technology and financial management to speed up financial innovation. These measures can play a positive role in solving the problem of SMEs credit risk.
Keywords: commercial banks, small and medium-sized enterprises, credit risk, prevention
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)选题背景与研究意义 1
1.选题背景 1
2.研究意义 1
(二)文献综述 2
二、商业银行中小企业信贷风险特征与相关理论分析 4
(一)中小企业的定义及融资特点 4
1.中小企业的定义 4
2.中小企业融资特点 4
(二)中小企业信贷风险的定义及特征 5
1.中小企业信贷风险定义 5
2.中小企业信贷风险特征 6
(三)中小企业信贷风险防控理论分析 7
1.信息不对称理论 7
2.全面风险管理理论 8
3.金融创新理论 8
三、我国商业银行中小企业信贷风险管理问题 10
(一)信息不对称依然严重 10
1.银行与企业信息不对称 10
2.银行内部信息不对称 11
(二)全面风险管理不到位 11
1.信贷业务操作流程不规范 11
2.信用评级体系不完善 11
3.缺少高素质人才 12
(三)缺乏金融创新 12
- 上一篇:企业应收账款风险及控制研究
- 下一篇:互联网金融对商业银行经营的影响及对策分析