    毕业论文关键词: 应收账款;保理业务;应用;问题;原因;对策
    Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, trade credit use is becoming increasingly popular, companies often in accounts receivable in enterprises occupy a lot of money, then in the daily enterprise capital management. How to effectively avoid or reduce the risk of accounts receivable, inventory should be occupied by the accounts receivable funds has become an important topic that needs to be solved urgently in the enterprise capital management. And factoring is used in the business accounts receivable management, both at home and abroad has been very good development, and has been confirmed by the transfer of enterprise financial risk, reduce enterprises accounts receivable management burden, improve the effectiveness of the enterprise's financial structure. The through the accounts receivable factoring an analysis on the basic concept and enterprise using the accounts receivable management, the advantage of the analysis of stress, by factoring the status of accounts receivable management, according to the enterprises of our country, summarize the enterprises of our country should be accounts receivable factoring business there by a unit is not professional, for a single model, the excessive emphasis on business collateral, the narrow scope, define the rights unclear and so on. Finally, aiming at the existing problems of the reasons put forward a series of countermeasures to solve the problem.
    Key words: accounts receivable; factoring business; application; problem; reason; countermeasure
    目  录
    导  言    1
    第一章  关于保理业务的内容及特点应用    1
    1.1保理业务的基本概念    1
    1.2保理业务的功能    1
    1.3保理业务应用概况    2
    1.4保理业务特点在中小企业应用中的优势    2
    第二章  应收账款保理业务的内容及现状研究    2
    2.1应收账款保理业务的概念    2
    2.2应收账款保理业务的作用    3
    2.3应收账款保理业务的现状    4
    第三章  中天光伏材料有限公司保理业务概述    5
    第四章  中小型企业应收账款保理业务存在的问题    7
    第五章  中天光伏材料有限公司的应收账款保理业务的分析    7
    5.1存在的财务和应收账款问题    8
    5.2解决应收账款保理业务问题的对策    8
    5.3提出帮助中天公司解决问题的对策    9
    5.4所用对策带来的预期效果    10
    结术语    11
    致  谢    12
    参考文献    13
    导  言
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