

    关键词  机构投资者  上市公司价值  相关性  实证分析

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Do institution investors holding affect the value of listed companies?—Empirical evidence from the China Securities Market   
    Abstract Institutional investors play an important role in China's securities market, especially after the split share structure reform, the interests of major shareholders of listed companies is closely related with the price, and as the largest holders of tradable shares, the investment behavior of institutional investors will affect the company's share price. So, the impact of the market is being paid more and more attention. Based the current securities market in our country, the paper is to study the impact of institutional investors to company value from the point of view of the relationship of institutional investor shareholding with the listed company value, in order to provide data support for the management policy. This paper uses empirical study, and takes Tobin's Q as a variable to measure the value of the company, to argument the hypothesis put forward. The results show that institutional investors holding can enhance the value of listed companies.

    Keywords  Institutional investors  The listed company value  Correlation  Empirical study

    1  引言 1

    2  相关概念简述 3

    2.1  机构投资者的概念与类别 3

    2.2  公司价值的含义与衡量方式 4

    3  机构投资者发展现状及作用分析 6

    3.1  我国机构投资者的发展历程 6

    3.2  我国机构投资者的发展现状 7

    3.3  机构投资者的作用分析 8

    文献回顾与假设提出 10

    4.1  机构投资者持股对公司价值的积极影响 10

    4.2  机构投资者持股对公司价值的消极影响 11

    4.3  研究文献述评 12

    5  实证分析 15

    5.1  数据来源与样本选择 15

    5.2  模型设计及变量定义 15

    5.3  实证结果分析 16

    6  结论及建议 21

    6.1  结论与不足 21

    6.2  建议 21

    结 束 语 24

    致  谢 25

    参考文献 26

    1  引言


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