
    摘 要:维维股份作为食品行业的上市公司,在面临国内经济发展从高速变为中高速、增长动力转换以及行业调整加剧等不利因素时,为提高其行业竞争力,就要重视公司的财务状况分析。本文首先在结合维维股份自身发展特点的基础上阐述了公司的发展现状,其次从财务指标角度出发,采用比率分析法对公司偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力和发展能力这四个方面的财务状况分别进行分析,最后针对公司在偿债能力、存货管理效率、账款回收速度以及销售成长能力等方面存在的问题,逐一提出了增强公司竞争力的方法与对策。65825


    Abstract:The V V shares as a food industry listing Corporation, in the face of the development of the domestic economy from high speed into the high-middle speed growth, increasing power conversion and the adjustment of the industry intensified as the other adverse factors, in order to improve the competitiveness of the industry, it is necessary to analyze the financial situation of the company. Firstly,this paper described the development situation of the company, based on the combination with characteristics of its development.Secondly, from the perspective of financial indicators,using the ratio analysis to analyze these four aspects as the company's solvency, profit ability, operation ability and development ability of the financial situation.Finally, in view of the existing solvency, inventory management efficiency, recovery payment rate and sales growth ability and other aspects of the problem, then puts forward methods and countermeasures one by one to enhance the company's competitiveness.

    Keywords:V V shares , financial status ,financial index , analysis

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    文献综述 4

    3  财务状况分析的理论基础 5

    3.1  财务状况分析的内涵及意义 5

    3.2  财务状况分析的主要方法 5

    4  维维股份介绍及主要财务指标分析 6

    4.1  维维股份介绍 6

    4.2  维维股份财务指标分析 6

    4.2.1  偿债能力分析 6

    4.2.2  营运能力分析 8

    4.2.3  盈利能力分析 9

    4.2.4  发展能力分析 11

    5  维维股份财务状况存在的问题 12

    5.1  负债比率过高,偿债能力不足 12

    5.2  存货管理不善,账款回收速度慢 12

    5.3  销售成长性差,发展能力有待增强 13

    6  维维股份财务状况存在问题的改进建议 13

    6.1  拓宽融资渠道,降低负债水平 13

    6.2  加强存货管理,加快账款回收 13

    6.3  探索创新业务,拓展国际贸易领域 14

    结 论 15

    参 考 文 献 16

    致 谢 17

    1  引言


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