
    摘 要:中小企业在我国的市场经济中不可或缺,对于推动经济增长与巩固社会安定有着不可忽视的影响。目前,虽然我国中小企业得到了一定的发展,但还存出着不少问题,特别是在财务管理方面,其严重阻碍了企业的健康发展。受外部市场环境和企业内部财管人员素质低等影响,中小企业存在自身发展与现行体制都无法适应的情形,使得在激烈的市场竞争中面临巨大的困难。该篇文章对现在中小企业存在的筹资难,投资风险高,财务管理模式落后等情况找出对应的解决办法,为中小企业前进保驾护航。66951


    Abstract:The small and medium-sized enterprise is indispensable in our country's market economy, to promote economic growth and consolidate social stability has the effect can not be ignored. At present, although the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country have made some progress, but still a lot of flaws, especially in financial management, which seriously hindered the healthy development of enterprises. Under the market economy environment and enterprise internal financial management, the low quality of personnel of small and medium-sized enterprises have influence, self development and the current system can not adapt to the situation, which is facing enormous difficulties in the fierce competition in the market. This article on the present existence of small and medium-sized enterprises financing difficult, high investment risk, to find the corresponding solution to the financial management system is backward, forward escort for small and medium sized enterprises.

    Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, Financial management, financing difficulties 

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  中小企业发展状况及财务管理现状 3

    2.1  中小企业发展状况 3

    2.2  中小企业财务管理现状 3

    3  中小企业财务管理中存在的问题 4

    3.1  财务管理主体方面存在的问题 4

    3.2  财务管理客体方面存在的问题 5

    4  中小企业财务管理方面问题的成因 6

    4.1  从外部环境分析原因 6

    4.2  从企业内部分析原因 7

    5  中小企业财务管理的改进对策 9

    5.1  改善外部环境 9

    5.2  提升企业人员素质 9

    5.3  加强内部控制 10

    5.4  增加融资渠道 10

    5.5  科学投资,合理规划 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引言


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