毕 业 论 文 中 文 摘 要在国际金融危机的冲击下,许多国外企业的资产价值被低估,越来越多的企业包括实力雄厚大型国企和一些野心勃勃的民企都开始了自己的海外并购之旅。本文旨在研究民企海外并购的风险,为其提供建设性意见,力图降低并购过程的风险。文章开头首先提出了民营企业海外并购的研究背景和研究的意义,总结国内外已有的理论综述。通过总结近几年民企海外并购现状,发现民企海外并购特点及存在的问题。以吉利并购沃尔沃这一具有代表性案例进行分析民企海外并购容易出现的主要风险,如财务风险,文化风险及法律风险等。综合民企海外并购特点,并购阶段出现的可能风险提出风险防范建议给企业参考,力图将风险降至最低,使民营企业在海外并购的道路上越走越广。10013
关键词 民企 海外并购 并购风险 风险防范
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title research on the risk of transnational M&A risk of Private enterprise
As the international financial crisis happened, many foreign enterprise asset value has been underestimated, so more and more enterprises include the large state-owned enterprises and private ambitious enterprises began his overseas trip. This paper aims to study the risks of the private enterprises overseas during M & A process so that we can provide constructive advice to reduce the risk of M & A process . The article first proposed research background and the study significance of the private enterprises overseas and then summed up the theory of domestic and foreign studies. By summarizing the current situation of private enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions in recent years,we found that characteristics and existing problems during the private enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions. We put an example of private enterprises to find the possible risks easily and clearly,such as financial risk, cultural risk and political risk,and so on. Integrated private enterprises overseas mergers and acquisitions M & A stage characteristics, and possible risks ,we can make some risk prevention to minimize the risk, so that private enterprises more walk more widely in the overseas M & A road .
Keywords Private enterprise,Transnational M&A,M&A risk,
Risk prevention
1.绪论 2
1.1 研究背景与意义 2
1.2本文主要研究内容和研究方法 3
2.文献综述 5
2.1国外关于海外并购风险的综述 5
2.2国内关于海外并购风险的综述 6
2.3 文献评述 7
3.我国民营企业海外并购的现状、特点及主要问题 7
3.1民营企业海外并购的现状 7
3.2民营企业海外并购的特点 8
3.3民营企业海外并购面临的主要问题与困难 11
4.民营企业海外并购主要风险分析---以吉利并购沃尔沃为例 12
4.1财务风险 12
4.2文化风险 17
4.3 法律风险 19
5.我国民营企业海外并购的风险防范建议 20
5.1财务风险防范 20
5.2文化风险防范 21
5.3法律风险防范 22
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
1.1 研究背景与意义
- 上一篇:创业板公司股利政策研究
- 下一篇:论民营企业如何加强内部会计监督