    Light vehicle brake system of second generation wheel hub bearing design and 3D modeling
    Abstract: The automobile brake system contains the brake disc, the suspension, the hub bearing, the hub, and so on. In this paper, the second-generation hub bearing of the brake system is designed. To improve the design efficiency, the second-generation hub bearing’s design is based on other similar wheel bearings and enhance its generality, flexibility, safety, and so on. It carries out the accurate calculation of the bearing load, and it verifies the reliability of the bearing through life checking, strength checking and speed checking. Using NX 3D modeling software to build model and create the assembly animation. The mechanical properties of hub bearing under different conditions are analyzed by Finite element analysis software, and make the feasibility of the design is verified.
    Keywords: Wheel hub bearing; Brake system; Fatigue life; FEA
     目 录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    绪论    1
    1.2    课题背景    1
    1.2.1    第一代轮毂轴承    3
    1.2.2    第二代轮毂轴承    4
    1.2.3    第三代轮毂轴承    4
    1.2.4    第四代轮毂轴承    5
    1.3    本课题的任务要求    5
    1.3.1    本课题的主要设计任务    5
    1.3.2    指导思想    6
    1.3.3    应解决的主要问题    6
    2    二代轮毂轴承与盘式制动系统的选用    7
    2.1    汽车制动系统的介绍    7
    2.2    定钳盘式制动器    7
    2.3    浮钳盘式制动器    8
    3    二代轮毂轴承的装配、密封、润滑方式的选择    9
    3.1    二代轮毂轴承的装配关系    9
    3.2    二代轮毂轴承的密封    10
    3.3    二代轮毂轴承的润滑    11
    4    轴承结构及参数设计计算    13
    4.1    汽车轮毂轴承类型的选择    13
    4.2    二代轮毂轴承主要技术参数    13
    4.2.1    轮毂轴承的使用参数    13
    4.2.2    轮毂轴承的设计尺寸计算    14
    5    二代轮毂轴承的受力分析及寿命计算    16
    5.1    轮胎载荷    16
    5.2    轴承受力    17
    5.3    轴承平衡方程    18
    5.4    系统寿命    20
    5.4.1    当量动载荷计算    20
    5.4.2    基本额定动载荷的计算    20
    5.4.3    系统寿命的计算    21
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