    摘要:高温是制约作物产量和品质的重要环境因子。随着人类活动导致全球气温持续上升,温室效应急剧加强,作物生产正在面临高温逆境的严峻挑战。持续高温会对植物的生长发育造成不可逆的影响。本研究组前期通过Co60诱变野生型巴西陆稻 (BXLD),得到一个高度抗旱的突变体idr1-1。通过图位克隆技术把IDR1基因定位到5号染色体上。当用45 ℃高温处理idr1-1后发现,该突变体对高温敏感程度远远高于野生型BXLD。进一步利用突变体idr1-1、idr1-1回补以及IDR1超表达株系,研究了idr1-1产生高温敏感的可能的分子机理。此研究将对增强水稻抗高温伤害具有指导作用,为培育抗高温水稻提供理论基础和实践依据。25551
    Studies on the phenotypes and mechanisms of IDR1 to maintain the heat tolerance of Brazilian Rice (BXLD)
    Abstract:High temperature is an important environmental factor that restricts crop yield and quality. Along with increased human activities, the global temperature caused by greenhouse gas is elevating, which leads to serious problems to crop production. Sustained high temperature will cause irreversible effect on the plant growth and development. We previously mutated wild-type Brazilian rice (BXLD) by Co60 to obtain a drought-tolerant mutant idr1-1. By map-based cloning strategy, the IDR1 was mapped to the chromosome 5. Under 45 °C treatment, the idr1-1 mutant showed more sensitive to the high temperature than the wild-type BXLD. Thus, we used idr1-1 mutant, idr1-1 complementation line and overexpression line to study why idr1-1 exhibits such heat-sensitive phenotype. This study will help increase heat-tolerant ability of rice and provide theoretical and practical basis for breeding new rice cultivars with heat tolerance.
    Key words: high temperature; idr1-1; Brazilian rice; heat tolerance; phenotype
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    植物耐热机制的信号转导及调节途径    1
    1  实验材料    4
    2  实验方法    4
    2.1  BXLD及idr1-1的耐热性表型特征研究    4
    2.1.1  木村营养液配制    4
    2.2  IDR1基因的图位克隆    5
    2.3  PCR及酶切体系和条件    5
    2.3.1  PCR    5
    2.3.2  酶切    5
    2.4  不同时长热处理IDR1转录表达的RT-PCR    5
    2.4.1  45 ℃高温处理及取样    5
    2.4.2  提取DNA    5
    2.4.3  制胶电泳    5
    2.4.4  胶回收    6
    2.5  RNA反转录验证    6
    2.5.1  RNA提取    6
    2.5.2  RNA反转录    6
    2.6  DAB染色离体叶片    6
    3  研究条件    6
    3.1  实验室硬件条件的保障    6
    3.2  实验材料的保障    6
    4  结果与分析    7
    4.1  IDR1突变后引起的表型效应    7
    4.2  IDR1基因的回补验证    7
    4.3  IDR1突变后BXLD的耐热性降低    8
    4.4  IDR1基因的转录表达受高温诱导    8
    4.5  IDR1突变后导致其清除活性氧能力减弱    9
    4.6  IDR1可能通过调控MPK家族某些成员的转录表达控制BXLD耐热性    9
    5  讨论    10
    致谢    10
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