    Anatomical Characteristics of the Leaf Color of 11 Kinds of Colorful Plants
    Abstract:To investigate the cause of formation of the leaf colors of the color-leafed plants and provide new reference material for the research in biology of the color-leafed plants. By freehand section and paraffin section, and under the microscope, the characteristics of tissues and cells of leaves of 11 kinds of color-leafed plants were observed, such as Acer palmatum 'atropurpureum', Amygdalus persica f. Atropurpurea, Prunus Cerasifera f. atropurpurea. The results showed that the leaves of Acer palmatum 'atropurpureum', Amygdalus persica f. atropurpurea, Prunus Cerasifera f. atropurpurea, Photinia ×fraseria, Berberis thunbergii ‘atropurpurea’  and Setcreasea purpurea became red or about red, because that the cells in the leaves contain anthocyanin. The leaf color is close to yellow or white with various markings, because their cells contain some carotenoids or lack chlorophyll, such as Chlorephytum capense var. variegatum, Sansevieria trifasciata var. laurentii, Euonymus japonicus f. aureo-marginatus, Aucuba japonica var. variegata. The leaves of Magnolia grandiflora become rusty brown, because the leaves have the epidermal hairs including rusty brown substance. In addition, the read cells including tanthocyanin are different in position、style and density, and have a different amont of tanthocyanin in the red leaves. In a conclusion, different types or different kinds of the leaf colors of the color-leafed plants form in different tissues and cells. The free-hand section method is suitable to observe the characteristics of the tissues and cells, but the paraffin section method is not.
    Keywords: Garden plant; Colored Leaf; Leaf color; Tissue; Cell; Anthocyanin; Carotenoid; Epidermal hair
    引言    1
    1.材料与方法    2
    1.1实验时间与地点    2
    1.2实验材料与来源    2
    1.3实验方法    3
    2.结果和分析    5
    2.1红枫    5
    2.2红叶李    5
    2.3红叶碧桃    6
    2.4红叶石楠    7
    2.5紫叶小檗    8
    2.6紫鸭跖草    8
    2.7银边吊兰    9
    2.8金边虎尾兰    10
    2.9金边黄杨    10
    2.10洒金桃叶珊瑚    11
    2.11广玉兰    12
    3.讨论    12
    致谢    14
    参考文献    14
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