

    毕业论文关键词: 克氏原螯虾; 触觉器官;扫描电子显微镜

    Abstract: in this experiment, the scanning electron microscopy is used to observe and study of red swamp crawfish’s antennas, the third maxilliped and four pereopods. By scanning electron microscopy pictures ,we can find sendopodite and exopod of antenule are composed of segments .And there are villi between segments or on segments. Four villi on the top of antennas collect into a bundle.there are a little of villi on antenna,and we find that there are two villi ,one of them is longer,anther is shorter,but they always show up together. There are much villi which could up to 2.3 mm and they grow singly but get together on the third maxilliped.On the edge of the four pereopods have dentations, Villi gathered into one area,they have different length, between 200-600 μ m.The second and third pereopods’s villi is pided into two blades.The fourth and fifth pereopods’s villi form a bundle. Procambarus clarkii’s tactile organs are distributed with villous structure, there is important relationship between villi and procambarus clarkii’s tactile organs. Villous structure is red swamp crawfish’s tactile organ.

    Key words: Procambarus clarkia, tactile organ, scanning electron microscope


    1  引言 4

    1.1 克氏原螯虾的特征 4

    1.2 克氏原螯虾基础生物学的研究进展 5

    1.2.1克氏原螯虾形态学的研究 5

    1.2.2 克氏原螯虾行为学的研究 7

    1.3  蝗虫(直翅目)的超显微观察 8

    1.4.本项目研究的目的与意义 9

    材料与方法 9

    2.1材料 9

    2.2方法 10

    3  结果与分析 10

    3.1 小触角外肢电镜扫描图与分析 10

    3.2 小触角内肢电镜扫描图与分析 11

    3.3 大触角电镜扫描图与分析 11

    3.4 第三颚足内肢端部电镜扫描图与分析 12

    3.5 第二步足电镜扫描图与分析 12

    3.6 第三步足电镜扫描图与分析 13

    3.7 第四步足电镜扫描图与分析 13

    3.8 第五步足电镜扫描图与分析 14

    4  讨论 14

    4.1 克氏原螯虾触觉感受器 14

    4.2 克氏原螯虾触觉感受器与蝗虫的对比

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