


    The development and application of ornamental grasses modular cultivation matrix of research

    Abstract:Nowadays more and more people know about the aquatic plants, aquatic breeding industry is speeding develop,but local aquatic industry has been vacant. This subject is based on the analysis and the experiment of the related cultivation way already on the market, to develop a new module cultivation substrate made by peat block and part of Granular fertilizer, starch, gum Arabic, carbendazim. Through the N, P, K content detection of peat block, survey the growyh of two kinds of aquatic plants and the nutrient water culture experiments prove that the peat block can be the module cultivation substrate to cultivate ornamental water grass.

    Key words: ornamental aquatic plants ; Modular cultivation

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 观赏水草 1

    1.1.1观赏水草 1

    1.1.2我国观赏水草产业现状 1

    1.2 无土栽培 1

    1.2.1 无土栽培简介 2

    1.2.2 无土栽培基质的作用 2

    1.2.3 无土栽培基质的历史、现状 2

    2 材料与方法 4

    2.1研究材料 4

    2.1.1 铜钱草 4

    2.1.2 天胡荽 4

    2.2 实验基质选择 4

    2.3 草炭块制作 6

    2.4 不同草炭块理化性质对比实验 7

    2.4.1 最大持水量 7

    2.4.2草炭块在水中稳定性、对水质影响 7

    2.4.3铜钱草水培实验 7

    2.5 水草栽培效果实验 7

    2.5.1天胡荽水培实验 7

    2.5.2营养液水培实验 7

    3 结果与分析 9

    3.1 基质理化性质比较 9

    3.2 草炭块粒径选择 9

    3.3 水培数据分析 10

    4 结论与讨论 13

    4.1 基质块选择 13

    4.2 营养液选择 13

    4.3 结语

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