

    毕业论文关键词    卵巢癌  抗PDI因子  检测系统    突变体


    Title  :The Construction of an anti-PDI factor testing system in Escherichia coli dsbA mutant 

    Abstract Ovarian cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women with gynecological cancers in the world. About 70% of ovarian cancer cases are diagnose data late stage and therefore, poorly treatable. With the resistant tumoral cells being appeared, it is necessary to R&D one potent, target, and safe small-molecule inhibitors of PDI from natural or synthetic compounds to recover the sensitivity of these anti-tumor drugs. In the present study, an anti-PDI factor is chemically synthesized me-too to verify the availability of anti-PDI screening system. As for the construction of anti-PDI screening system, some interdisciplinary methods were used here, such as gene deletion, gene substitution and finally construct target report gene in Escherichia coli dsbA mutant. The synthesis of anti-PDI factor and the construction of E.coli dsbA mutant are basic to test anti-PDI factor detection system next.

    Keywords    ovarian cancer    anti-PDI factor   detection system   mutant

    目  次

    1.绪论 1

    1.1卵巢癌的简介 1

    1.2卵巢癌的治疗手段 1

    1.3病原细胞的抗药 2

    1.4人体内的PDI 3

    1.5大肠杆菌内的dsbA基因 3

    1.6博来霉素抗性基因ble 4

    1.7研究工作的发展和应用前景 4

    2.实验 5

    2.1实验目的 5

    2.2实验原理 5

    2.3实验仪器和材料 6

    2.4实验涉及的方法和技术 7

    2.4.1 Ugi反应 7

    2.4.2 PCR 10

    2.4.3细菌转化 10

    2.4.4凝胶电泳 10

    2.4.5基因敲除 11

    2.5实验操作和结果 11

    2.5.1经典Anti-PDI因子的me-tooaa化学合成 11

    2.5.2大肠杆菌中与人体PDI相对应的dsbA基因的敲除 13

    3.结果与讨论 31

    3.1化合物1的1H NMR谱图解析 31

    3.2酶连反应载体选择的重要性 31


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