


    Abstract: In recent years, with increasingly serious environmental pollution, global warming, energy shortages become increasingly prominent. Cellulase plays a key role in the production of biethanol and bio-based chemicals from wood fiber resources. The microbes used in the production of cellulase are mainly Trichoderma, Aspergillus and Penicillin, in which Trichoderma reesei is widely studied. This thesis studied effect of nitrogen source in the production of cellulase by T. reesei through single factor experiments and different ratios of complex nitrogen source for cellulase production. The single nitrogen source chose ammonium sulfate, urea, sodium nitrate; complex nitrogen source used different proportions of ammonium sulfate and urea. The results showed that 2.0% of the urease gives the highest cellulase activity as single nitrogen source, with cellulase activity reaches 0.23U; 5: 5 ratio of ammonium sulfate and urea gives the highest cellulase activity as complex nitrogen source, with cellulase activity reaches 0.28U, better than single nitrogen source.

    Keywords:Trichoderma reesei, Cellulase, Nitrogen source, Filter paper enzyme activity FPA


    摘要 3

    1 前言 6

    1.1 纤维素酶的概述 6

    1.1.1 纤维素酶的分类及降解机制 7

    1.1.2 纤维素酶的结构 7

    1.1.3 纤维素酶的研究动态 7

    1.2 里氏木霉的概述 7

    1.2.1 里氏木霉产纤维素酶的概况 7

    1.2.2 里氏木霉的特性 8

    2 材料与方法 8

    2.1 材料 8

    2.1.1 菌株 8

    2.1.2 主要仪器及设备 8

    2.1.3 试剂配制 8

    2.1.4 培养基配制 9

    2.2 方法 9

    2.2.1 里氏木霉的活化培养 9

    2.2.2 纤维素酶制备 9

    2.2.3 滤纸酶活测定 10 制备葡萄糖标准曲线 10 滤纸酶活的测定 10 酶活计算方法 10

    3 结果与分析 11

    3.1 数据处理 11

    3.1.1 葡萄糖标准曲线 11

    3.1.2 单一氮源

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