
    摘要:杂色云芝处理玉米秸秆可制备出无胶纤维板,其菌丝穿透在无胶粘黏中起到一定作用,在研究杂色云芝在秸秆中的菌丝生长动力学对无胶粘黏机制具有重要的意义。论文利用玉米秸秆为培养基,将菌丝分别放入试管和平皿中进行纵向和横向生长动力学测定,并用MAYA软件进行动态模型构建。结果发现杂色云芝在30℃时其菌丝生长速度最快,其纵向和横向生长速度分别达到0.00979 cm/h和0.03829 cm/h;其动态模型生动地展现了杂色云芝立体生长过程。本论文揭示了杂色云芝在秸秆中的生长规律,将为“无胶粘黏”机制研究提供依据。66478


    Abstract: Corn straw bio-pretreated by Coriolus versicolor can be prepared for fiberboard without adhesive and the hyphae penetrate plays the adhesive role, which is important on study the adhesive mechanism by determining the hyphae growth kinetics in straw. Using the corn stalk as the medium, the mycelium growth was measured in the longitudinal and lateral growth kinetics of the tube and dish, and the dynamic model was constructed also by using MAYA software. The results showed that the mycelial growth rate was most fastest in 30 ℃, and the longitudinal and lateral growth rate reached to 0.00979 cm/h and 0.03829 cm/h differently. The dynamic model vividly showed the Coriolus versicolor three-dimensional growth process. This paper revealed the growth regularity of Coriolus versicolor in the straw, which will provide the basis for the research on the mechanism without adhesive.

    Key words: Corn stalk; Coriolus versicolor; Mycelium; Growth dynamics


    1 前言 6

    1.1 杂色云芝与漆酶的作用研究 6

    1.2 产漆酶的白腐菌的作用研究 6

    1.3 玉米秸秆纤维板的作用研究 7

    1.4 杂色云芝与漆酶在建筑材料深度处理的关系 8

    2 实验材料与方法 9

    2.1 试验流程 9

    2.2 实验材料 9

    2.2.1 玉米秸秆 9

    2.2.2 菌株 9

    2.2.3 培养基 9

    2.3  方法 10

    2.3.1 发酵方法 10

    2.3.2 菌丝生长测定方法 10

    2.3.3 模型的建立方法 10

    3 结果与分析 11

    3.1 菌丝体纵向生长动力学 11

    3.1.1 25℃菌丝体纵向生长动力学 11

    3.1.2 30℃菌丝体纵向生长动力学 11

    3.1.3 35℃菌丝体纵向生长动力学 12

    3.2 菌丝体横向生长动力学 13

    3.2.1 25℃菌丝体横向生长动力学 13

    3.2.2 30℃菌丝体横向生长动力学 13

    3.2.3 35℃菌丝体横向生长动力学 14

    3.3 结果分析表 14

    3.4 菌丝体3D动力学模型构建 16

    3.4.1 菌丝体正视图 16

    3.4.2 菌丝体俯视图

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