
    摘要:紫薯是一种富含多种不同花青素的植物,它具有抗氧化性、抗肿瘤性等多种生物活性物质。蛹虫草是具有多种生物活性的大型真菌,目前主要通过大米培养基极性培养。本实验使用紫薯为原料设计蛹虫草培养基,接种蛹虫草菌株,利用HPLC方法测定出不同培养基中蛹虫草活性成分含量,比对蛹虫草在不同培养基中的生长和化合物变化情况。为探寻紫甘薯作为培养基其花青素的变化情况,采用LC-MS技术分析培养后的培养基中花青素含量的变化情况。实验表明蛹虫草菌株在以紫甘薯-大米为材料的培养基培养时能够提高蛹虫草有效成分含量(腺苷310 μg/100g)、同时抗氧化性活性得到提高(86%),其中虫草菌花青素腺苷310、抗氧化活性高达86% 。同时,通过LC-MS测定,紫甘薯的花青素在培养前后含量也发生了改变,表明蛹虫草可以利用花青素,并预测了转化途径。通过本研究的开展一方面为蛹虫菌培养提供了新思路,另一方面为花青素的生物转化提供了物质与理论基础。69053


    Purple sweet potato anthocyanins chemical constituents of cordyceps militaris fungus conversion

    Abstract:Purple sweet potato anthocyanins is a rich variety of different crops, it has antioxidant activity, anti-tumor and other bioactive substances. Cordyceps militaris is a fungus with a large variety of biological activity, mainly through the rice culture medium polarity. In this study, the purple sweet potato was as medium for the Cordyceps militaris and inoculated. Compare with the the growth and ingredients changed in different mediums. Determined the active ingredients in the Cordyceps militaris under the technology of HPLC. To ensure the anthocyanins changed in the purple sweet potato before and after the culture, LC-MS technology was used in the analysis. The results showed that the medium which content rice and purple sweet potato could improve the content of active ingredients (adenosine 310μg / 100g), tin the Cordyceps militaris. Meanwhile, the antioxidant active was also improving with the new medium(85%). In other hands, the content of anthocyanin in the purple sweet potato was changed before and after the culture and it might be the strain could use the anthocyanin during the growth. At the same time, the pathway of anthocyains in the purple sweet potato was clarified under the LC-MS technology. The aim of this study improve a new idea for the culture of Cordyceps militaris and material and theoretical basis of the bioconversion of anthocyanins.

    Keywords: purple sweet potato, anthocyanins, cordycepin, Determination


    前言 1

    1 实验材料与方法 2

    1.1实验材料 2

    1.2实验药品与试剂 2

    1.3实验仪器 2

    1.4实验方法 2

    1.4.1紫薯的预处理 2

    1.4.2培养基的制作和取量 2

    1.4.3培养基的灭菌处理 2

    1.4.4培养基的接种与培养 2

    1.4.5培养基的烘干 3

    1.4.6培养基的提取浓缩 3

    1.4.7 LC-MS分析及测试条件 3

    1.4.8 质谱条件 3

    2 结果与分析 3

    2.1 标准曲线的准备 3


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