    Looking for vegetables ’brand planning and series packaging
    Abstract: Dried vegetables are a kind of popular traditional food in China, but the packing becomes an inherent model. With the development of society, improvement of living standards, dried vegetables in the appearance, packaging materials and product quality cannot meet the needs of some customers. Based on the perspective of brand planning,the dried vegetables ’packaging as the research object, combining with the existing dried vegetables market development and concept of time, it is analyzed how to set up a suitable for modern people, with inpidual style brand of dried vegetables.
    The article from the dried vegetables market and packaging style point of view, to establish a  
    new brand. First, Dried vegetables market must understand the existing domestic and international market, to analyze the market's influence on the packaging. Secondly, from the aesthetic need of change, the transformation of family and the characteristics of the enterprise culture come to the market need what kind brand of dried vegetables. On this basis, to explore dried vegetables market should have a specific brand planning strategies to meet different consumer groups. Through the above analysis to establish a suitable dried vegetables ’brand for modern people, and do a reference for future market.

    Keywords: dried vegetables; brand strategy; time culture; packaging design
    绪论 4
    一、干蔬市场现状与分析 4
    (一)国内外干蔬市场的特点 4
    (二)现有干蔬品牌的分析 5
    二、干蔬产品变化与特点 6
    (一)生活观念的变化 6
    (二)审美需要的变更 6
    (三)干蔬企业营销与消费模式 7
    三、干蔬市场的品牌策略 7
    四、素寻四方干蔬品牌包装策划与实践 7
    (一)素寻四方品牌的概念阐述 7
    (二)素寻四方品牌的品牌树立 7
    (三)素寻四方品牌塑造与视觉化形象 8
    结论 9
    致谢 10
    参考文献 10
    随着经济的发展、市场的变化,以品牌策划为核心进行营销是现代企业按照社会经济的发展所作出的必然选择。包装作为品牌策划市场的一个部分,它是品牌中一个视觉化的反应。包装作为营销竞争的重要手段,已不仅是简单意义上的“漂亮”而已,更多地应表现产品的特质、品质、个性。 产品包装设计是为营销沟通提供更直接、更有效的途径,从而成为企业整体营销沟通策略的重要组成部分。
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