    Research on the Origin of Walnut Origin in China
    Abstract:In order to reduce the food safety problems caused by the origin, the walnuts were used as the materials to extract fingerprint information of walnut from eleven regions of the country by infrared spectroscopy and mineral elements. And then based on the whole band and the characteristic band using PLSDA respectively to distinguish the origin of walnut. The variance analysis was used to determine the significant differences in the content of elements in different areas. The results indicated that the accuracy of the modeling and predictive set of PLSDA model based on full-band establishment was slightly higher than PLSDA model based on feature band. For the same variety of walnuts, the PLSDA model based on infrared spectrum had Higher recognition rate. Results of variance analysis showed that eleven areas of the walnuts contained the main elements were Mg, Ca, K, secondly elements were Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, Sr, Na, and some areas of walnuts contained a small amount of Ba, Pb, Ni. And there are significant differences in the eleven elements of Mg, Ca, K, Zn, Fe, Mn, Sr, Na, Ba, Pb and Ni from different origins. The research on the origin of walnut in different regions of China, it provides a reliable theoretical basis for traceability of agricultural products.
    Key words: Walnut; Origin traceability; infrared spectroscopy; element; discriminate model
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1 材料与方法    2
    1.1 核桃品种    2
    1.2 仪器和设备    3
    1.3 近红外测定    3
    1.4 中红外测定    3
    1.5 元素测定    3
    1.6 数据处理    3
    2 结果与分析    4
    2.1 近红外    4
    2.1.1 不同地区基于近红外光谱的判别分类结果    4
    2.1.2 同一品种不同产地基于近红外光谱的判别分类结果    5
    2.2 中红外    7
    2.2.1不同地区基于中红外光谱的判别分类结果    7
    2.2.2 同一品种不同产地基于中红外光谱的判别分类结果    7
    2.3 近中红外整体分析    9
    2.4 元素测定    10
    2.5 元素测定分析    11
    3 结论    11
    致谢    12
    参考文献    12
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