    摘要:本研究对5种芝麻菜种子进行筛选,测定种子及4 d芽苗中生理生化及硫苷代谢等相关指标,筛选出较优品种“板叶”和“东升”。以“板叶”和“东升”两个品种为试材,研究其发芽过程中生理生化变化。试验表明:随着发芽时间增加,两个品种芝麻菜芽苗的芽长、株重和含水率逐渐升高。游离氨基酸含量均在第8 d最高,可溶性糖含量均于第6 d达到最高。两品种的芽苗中总硫苷含量在发芽2 d达到最高,而发芽8 d后则均降到最低;“板叶”和“东升”的异硫氰酸盐形成量分别在发芽4 d和6 d达到最高,而黒芥子酶则分别在第2 d和第4 d活性最高,发芽8 d后两者无显著差异。结果表明芽苗生长过程中,储藏性糖类物质的降解先于蛋白质,硫苷被不断降解,黑芥子酶活性和异硫氰酸盐的形成存在时空差异。28402
    Study on Physiological and Biochemical Changes of rocket seeds during Germination
    Abstract: In this study, five kinds of sesame seeds were screened, and the better varieties such as "Banye" and "Dongsheng" were obtained by measuring the related indexes such as physiological and biochemical and glucosinolate metabolism in seeds and 4 days. The changes of physiological and biochemical changes of sesame seeds during the germination process were studied with two varieties of "Banye" and "Dongsheng". The results showed that the sprout length, fresh weight and water content of two cultivars gradually increased. Free amino acid and soluble sugar content in the two cultivars showed the similar change, free amino acid content reached the peak value at day 8 and soluble sugar content got the highest value at day 6 of germination. The total glucosinolates contentin “Banye” and “Dongsheng” both reached the highest level at day 2 but were minimal at day 8 of germination. In addiction, the isothiocyanates formation increased to the maximum at day 4 and day 6 of germination, respectively, and the myrosinase activity reached to the highest at day 2 and day 3, respectively, but there is no significant difference between the two cultivars at day 8 of germination. These results indicated that the degradation of storage carbohydrate was before the protein. Glucosinolates was degraded with the germination, myrosinase activation and isothiocyanates formation exist time sequence.
    Keywords: rocket;germinatino;change of Physiological and biochemical
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    ABSTRACT    1
    KEYWORDS    1
    引言    1
    1 材料与方法    2
    1.1 试验材料    2
    1.2 主要试剂    2
    1.3 主要仪器设备    3
    1.4 试验设计    3
    1.4.1 芝麻菜种子的发芽    3
    1.4.2 芝麻菜品种筛选    3
    1.4.3 发芽动力学    3
    1.5 测定指标与方法    3
    1.5.1 芽长、鲜重和含水率    3
    1.5.2 超氧阴离子产生率    3
    1.5.3 H2O2含量    4
    1.5.4 DPPH清除率    4
    1.5.5 总酚含量和花色苷含量    4
    1.5.6 可溶性糖含量的测定    4
    1.5.7 游离氨基酸含量的测定    4
    1.5.8 硫苷含量的测定    5
    1.5.9 异硫氰酸盐含量测定    5
    1.5.10 MYR活性测定    5
    1.6 数据统计与分析    5
    2 结果与分析    5
    2.1 芝麻菜品种的筛选    5
    2.2 发芽动力学研究    7
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