    摘要:传统干腌火腿发酵过程中蛋白质会在酶的作用下水解产生大量的肽类物质,其中部分肽可能含有一些特定的生物活性。这些生物活性肽对人类的健康具有重要影响,抗高血压肽和抗氧化肽就属于其中的两种。抗高血压肽能够有效的抑制血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)的活性,以达到降低血压的作用,而抗氧化肽能清除人体新陈代谢过程中产生的自由基。本文以用磷酸盐缓冲溶液从宣威火腿中提取的粗肽液作为研究对象,测定其总抗氧化能力、ACE活性的抑制作用、超氧阴离子自由基和1,1- 二苯基 -2- 三硝基苯肼(DPPH)自由基清除能力的影响。实验结果表明宣威火腿中存在着具有有抗高血压和抗氧化活性的多肽物质。30676
    Research on antihypertensive and antioxidant activities of crude peptide extracts from traditional dry cured ham
    Abstract: In the fermentation process of The traditional dry cured ham,proteins are hydrolyzed by enzymes and a large amount peptides are generated,which could have some specific bioactivity. These bioactive peptide could have great influence on human health. Antihypertensive peptides and antioxidant peptides are two kinds of these bioactive peptides. Antihypertensive peptides can inhibit the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), thus decreasing blood pressure. Antioxidant peptides play an omportant role in cleaning out free radicals produced in metabolism and maintaining cellular metabolism of organs. Therefore, the research on anti hypertensive activity and antioxidant activity could make sense in the study of traditional dry cured ham. In this research,the crude peptide solution extracted from the Xuanwei ham with phosphate buffer solution was used as the research object to determine its inhibitory effect on total antioxidant capacity and ACE activity. The superoxide anion radical And 1,1-diphenyl-2-trinitrophenylhydrazine (DPPH) free radical scavenging ability. The experimental results show that there are anti-hypertension and antioxidant activity in Xuanwei ham.
    Keywords:Dry-cured ham; biologicalactive peptides; antihypertensive; antioxidant
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    1 材料与方法    2
    1.1 材料与试剂    2
    1.2 仪器与设备    2
    1.3 实验方法    2
    1.3.1 研究方法和技术路线    2
    1.3.2 宣威火腿粗肽液提取物的抗高血压和抗氧化活性研究实验方案    2 粗肽提取    2 肽浓度测定    3 ACE抑制活性测定    3 DPPH自由基清除率测定    3 超氧阴离子自由基清除率测定    3 总抗氧化能力的测定    3
    1.4 数据统计与分析    3
    2 结果与分析    4
    2.1 传统干腌火腿粗肽提取物中的肽含量    4
    2.2 传统干腌火腿粗肽提取物ACE抑制能力    4
    2.3 传统干腌火腿粗肽提取物清除DPPH自由基的能力    4
    2.4 传统干腌火腿粗肽提取物清除超氧阴离子自由基的能力    5
    2.5 传统干腌火腿粗肽提取物的总抗氧化能力    5
    3 讨论    6
    4 结论    7
    致谢    8
    参考文献    8
    图1 宣威火腿粗肽提取物的抗高血压和抗氧化活性研究路线    2
    图2 不同浓度的粗肽提取物的ACE抑制能力(n=6)    4
    图3 不同浓度的粗肽提取物清除DPPH自由基的能力(n=6)    5
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